Return to the
notices page"; $page['Body']=" $msg$do!

Either you have made an error in your entry or the computer is having a particularly bad day. Press the back button on your browser and have another try.

"; tparse($page,2); } function loggedin() { print $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['userid']; print $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['userid']; print session_id(); exit; if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['userid'] )) { $userid= $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['userid'];} else { $userid="";} #### check for valid user session if ($userid){ if ( (time()-$tid)<3600){ #refresh cookie return ($userid); } } #### Fail, most likely just timed out. return(0); } function tparse ($page,$n){ #### Parse template and display page $template_lines = join ('', file ("template$n.html")); print preg_replace ("/\{(\w[\w ]*?\w)\}/e", '$page["\\1"]', $template_lines); exit; } ?>