a selection of writings on the global crisis  
  - how to move quickly towards a just, sustainable and democratic global society, living in harmony with the natural world.  

A unique collection of authoritative writings about the growing global crisis and how best to deal with it. Compiled by George Porter on behalf of the Pacific Institute of Resource Management Inc.(PIRM)

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About this Website

PIRM is a New Zealand based NGO working on issues of global concern impacting on human development, environmental sustainability, and the future of humankind and the natural world.

It adopts an holistic approach that recognises the interdependence of all life, and the need for ethical principles to guide human conduct.

This Website is about people and the planet - our common future. It's about our own failure as a race to live together in peace and harmony, and to share the once bountiful natural world we inhabit with other living creatures. It's about the positive changes we need to make if we are to move to a path of universal justice, social democracy, sustainability and human fulfilment.

The site seeks to reveal and record the truth about what is occurring around us - failure of human stewardship of the planet; the marginalisation of an increasing number of the world's people; the growing power of the rich and powerful, who are exerting a growing influence on the world economy by directing wealth into their own hands. And above all, the catastrophic effects of the assault on the natural world and its resources upon which all life depends.

The intent of this website is to bring together the major issues of common global concern and advanced thinking on them; As such, this site is best read from top to bottom like an ordinary book.

It is also designed as a reference source for information on the state of the world and ways and means for effective action.

This web site identifies the vital need amongst civil society for :

  • Consensus
  • Combined Action
  • Coordination
  • Commitment

This site brings together the thinking of leading writers and analysts on the major issues of concern. Together they represent an overview of the developing world situation which records NGO consensus, so crucial to joint civil action.

The site is part of a national operation facilitated by PlaNet New Zealand that is developing advanced electronic computer-based facilities for conferences, information exchange and related services through the Internet. PlaNet is a member of APC, the world wide organisation of NGO networks.

PIRM's main affiliation is with PCD (People-Centred Development) Forum directed by Dr David Korten in New York. George Porter is a PCDForum Contributing Editor and PIRM founding president and director from 1983-1997.

Four key words have been identified as central in defining the course of the world future: TRUTH - ACCOUNTABILITY - JUSTICE - SUSTAINABILITY.

Towards the further development of the site, please email us at: geoport@clear.net.nz.

This site will be under continual development to build new strategies and policies that can lead humankind on a path of justice and sustainability.

This site best viewed with a screen size of 800x600 pixels.