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Election 2023: Welfare or warfare?
Let's get disarmament on the agenda!

Please scroll down the page for resources to use and share

The rapidly escalating climate emergency is devastating lives and livelihoods, increasing humanitarian crises, irreversibly harming the environment and destroying biodiversity around the world. The lack of collective action by governments to protect peoples and the planet continues to highlight and exacerbate systemic social, economic and political inequities, and exposes the flaws in government spending and other priorities - including the folly of maintaining armed forces in a constant state of combat readiness when there are so many other more pressing needs.

New Zealand and other governments continue to focus on short-sighted outdated narrow notions of military “security” rather than real human security that promotes human health and wellbeing, flourishing communities, social justice, climate action and climate justice, protection of the natural environment and biodiversity, and care for the planet.

Their endless harmful preparations for war do not, and never will, do anything to address the major global threats and their local impacts, whether the climate catastrophe, obscene levels of poverty and social inequity, or a pandemic - instead, their support for constant military activity that directly contributes to climate change is diverting resources that could be put to far better use, and reflects a destructive mindset that threatens the future of life on earth.

The critical need for cooperation at every level - local, national, regional and global - to find solutions to the issues that affect us all is clearer than ever before, as is the need to promote better sustainable ways forward from what we have now.

Humanitarian disarmament - which prioritises care for peoples and the planet, the prevention of harm, and global cooperation for the common good - provides a pathway for a better future, and we need your help to get disarmament on the agenda for this year's election so that it becomes a higher priority for the next government and those that follow.

Whether you are concerned about climate justice globally or locally, levels of poverty and social inequities, the failing health system, lack of affordable housing, environmental degradation, or declining biodiversity, disarmament has something positive to offer.

If you value the welfare of peoples and the planet above endless harmful preparations for war, please use and share these resources - thank you.

‣ Resources

  • Election 2023: Welfare or warfare? Let's get disarmament on the agenda   Formatted for printing   Share on Facebook   Re-tweet

  • Election 2023: What would good disarmament policy look like?
        A4 poster for printing   Image for sharing   Images album
  • Election 2023: Questions for candidates on disarmament
        A4 poster for printing   Image for sharing   Images album
  • Election 2023: What the political parties say
        Formatted for printing
  • Online forum: Let's get disarmament on the agenda, 21 September 2023   Share on Facebook   Re-tweet   Register here

‣ Where you can get more information

    Disarmament campaigns and peace projects   |   Campaign on Military Spending