title.gif (31950 bytes)About this Site

This New Anti-Gulf War Website has been developed, and maintained by Kyle Matthews of Web Services New Zealand, as part of its committment to providing an accessible internet presence for community and non-profit organisations. For more information about WebServe, and the services they provide, please contact Kyle Matthews. This site has been provided and developed for no cost, to attempt to disseminate information, provide organising opportunities, and provide an alternative voice, opposed to war, and for peace.

Contact details for Kyle Matthews:

Email : kyle.matthews@stonebow.otago.ac.nz
Address : 816 Cumberland St, Dunedin, Aotearoa/New Zealand,
Phone : (03) 477-5505
Fax : (03) 479-5346

Material from this site has been gleaned from a number of sources, some of which are listed on the links page. Mostly the information has come from Peace Movement Aotearoa, a community organisation which seeks to provide an umbrella for the peace movement in New Zealand, disseminating information, newsletters, providing resources, and a base from which the peace movement can seek to achieve their goals.

PMA has an office in Wellington, a part time employee (Edwina Hughes), and a number of volunteers. Currently with an imminent war however, it is being flooded with information, and requests for information. Help in the form of volunteer work, and money is needed to assist them with their work.

Contact details for Peace Movement Aotearoa:

Email : pma@xtra.co.nz
Address : PO Box 9314, Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Phone : (04) 382 8129

Fax : (04) 382 8173

Contributing to the NZ Anti-Gulf War Website

This website is almost entirely sourced from international or national contacts, web sites, and mailing lists. Sources are generally attributed at the top of each article of page. More material is needed for all sections, but particularly the news, and protest sections (protest section still to come). If you have been involved in a protest, or have been following the crisis, then please send photos, and text to Kyle (address above).

If you wish to help with the construction and maintenance of this site, then please contact Kyle. .If you have any comments, suggestions, or criticism, then please pass them on as well.