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Waitangi Day: Maori Flags over Aotearoa

Update, 7 February: view the entries in the flag competition here.

If you want to fly the Tino Rangatiratanga flag on Waitangi Day and don't have one, there is an image online here which you could print and display on your car, on your house door, on your windows ... anywhere you can think of. And there's even a competition you can enter, see the Te Tino Toa press release below.

Maori Flags over Aotearoa
Press Release: Te Tino Toa
1 February 2007

Spokesperson for Te Tino Toa, Teanau Tuiono said "its nothing new for indigenous peoples to be ignored and our aspirations stifled by the Government and their agencies - that has never stopped us".

"This Waitangi Day we are calling for all people to fly the Tino Rangatiratanga flag wherever they are to show their support for indigenous rights here in Aotearoa.

"Indigenous brothers and sisters from the Aboriginals to the Navajos have said they will fly the Tino Rangatiratanga flag in solidarity.

"The flag symbolises the struggle for Maori self-determination and embodies the hopes we have for future generations as a thriving indigenous nation.

"The flag is an embodiment of what we as indigenous peoples wear on the inside, our history and our future.

"We have received wide support from Maori and non-Maori organisations across the country including schools, environmental organisations and Pakeha New Zealanders.

"Aotearoa is in a state of change and mainstream New Zealand is ready to acknowledge indigenous rights, that is the challenge that is currently before the Government."

Te Tino Toa is running a competition for the most creative display of the Tino Rangatiratanga flag on Waitangi Day. Please email your pictures, we will be displaying the photos here.

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