2015 Annual General Meeting Minutes

The 2015 CAFCA AGM was held at the Christchurch WEA on September 23. 15 members were present. They were: Jeremy Agar, Murray Horton, Lynda Boyd, Brian Turner, John Ring, Paul Piesse, Katherine Peet, John Peet, Daniela Bagozzi, Dave Evans, Maurice Ward, Graham French, Susan Miller, Warren Thomson, and Dot Lovell-Smith. Apologies were accepted from: Warren Brewer, James Ayers, Colleen Hughes, Peter Wood, Don Borrie, Steffan Browning, Michael Hamblett, Michael Mellon, Bill Willmott, Don Archer, Diana Shand, Denis O’Connor and Allen Cookson. Jeremy Agar chaired the meeting. The 2014 Minutes were read by the Secretary, Murray Horton, and accepted (moved Lynda Boyd, seconded John Ring).

The 2014/15 accounts, which had been distributed with Watchdog 139, August 2015, were accepted (moved by Katherine Peet, seconded by Paul Piesse) but subject to clarification (for the Committee) by the book keeper of the $1,000 entry under “Consultancy”, as no explanation was apparent. This has since been explained by our book keeper as actually being two separate $500 donations that CAFCA made to the campaign against the TPPA. Thus the “Donations” section increases by $1,000 and “Consultancy” has been deleted. The finances are in a very healthy situation. Murray Horton reported that, as at the day of the AGM, CAFCA’s total bank balance stood at $55,000, in round figures (there are three term deposits totalling $45,000), which was $2,000 up on the balance as of the day of the 2014 AGM.  

James Ayers is the Treasurer for the CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account (which pays Murray Horton). Due to ill health he was unable to attend the AGM but he had prepared the Account’s annual financial report, which was presented by Murray Horton. Murray’s gross annual income is currently $40,040 ($19.25 per hour). As of the March 31 end of the 2014 financial year the Organiser Westpac cheque account held $7,776.65 (an increase of $1,179.64 on the 2013 FY). In the 2014 Financial Year the Account spent $38,190.15 and income was $39,369.79 (a surplus of $1,179.64). Donations totalled $10,267.96 and regular pledgers $26,307.20. There were 58 regular pledgers as of 31/3/15 (one more than the previous year), including those who pledge annually, half yearly and quarterly. Murray reported that the Westpac cheque account has $7,257.39 in it, according to the latest (August) monthly bank statement. And the Account currently has $20,494.49 on term deposit with Kiwibank, which next matures in November 2015.

The 2013 & 14 AGMs had resolved that the CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account should pay the Organiser the Living Wage rate, subject to the financial health of the Account. The 2014 AGM had resolved that the Committee was to make the decision on any pay increase. Murray reported that this increase to the Living Wage rate of $19.25 per hour had taken place earlier in 2015. Any further increase is, as always, subject to the financial health of the Account. The financial report was accepted (moved Daniela Bagozzi, seconded Graham French). The meeting unanimously recorded its thanks to James, moved Murray, passed by acclamation, for service as Organiser Account Treasurer.

Election of officers. The existing Committee was re-elected en bloc (moved Katherine Peet, seconded Daniela Bagozzi). Murray Horton is Secretary/Organiser, Jeremy Agar is Chairperson. The Committee is Bill Rosenberg, John Ring, Lynda Boyd, James Ayers, Paul Piesse, Colleen Hughes, Brian Turner and Warren Brewer. Bill Rosenberg (who lives in Wellington) and Warren Brewer (who rejoined in 2015) are “distance” members, meaning they don’t attend any meetings but are part of all electronic discussions and decisions. In total, the Committee now numbers ten.

Murray Horton presented his annual Organiser’s Report. This was done from notes only and the full written version will be published in the first 2016 Watchdog. To briefly list the topics he reported on: Committee; membership; finances; Organiser Account; Watchdog; Website; other means of electronic communication; 40th anniversary celebration; Roger Award; Keep Our Assets Canterbury; the campaign against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement; relations with political parties & unions; media coverage; SIS file/s; Anti-Bases Campaign; Philippines Solidarity Network of Aotearoa; priorities & future activities.

There was no general business. The AGM concluded by screening four short clips about the TPPA, three from NZ and one from Australia.


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