2017 CAFCA Annual General Meeting Minutes

Held on September 25 at the Christchurch WEA

PRESENT: Daniela Bagozzi, Brian Turner, Paul Piesse, James Ayers, Colleen Hughes, Murray Horton, Jeremy Agar, John Ring, John & Katherine Peet, Terry Moon, Greg Kleis, John Minto, Bronwen Summers, Mike Newlove, Jenny Olsen and Ray Begg

The meeting began with supper.

APOLOGIES: Tony Orman, Noeline Gannaway, Denis O'Connor, Bill Rosenberg, Bill Willmott. MOVED (Paul Piesse/Colleen Hughes) That the apologies be accepted. CARRIED.

MINUTES: The Minutes of the 2016 AGM were read. MOVED (James Ayers/Brian Turner). That the Minutes of the previous AGM are a true and accurate record. CARRIED

CAFCA ACCOUNTS: The CAFCA accounts for April 2016/March 2017 were presented (they were distributed to members with the August 2017 Watchdog). MOVED (Colleen Hughes/Terry Moon). That the income and expenditure accounts be accepted.  CARRIED

CAFCA/ABC ORGANISER ACCOUNT: James Ayers presented the CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account Financial Report for April 2016/March 2017 (see below)

MOVED (James Ayers/Paul Piesse) That the CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account Financial Report be accepted.  CARRIED

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: James Ayers, John Ring, Murray Horton, Paul Piesse, Brian Turner, Jeremy Agar, and Colleen Hughes were standing again for the Committee. Terry Moon was nominated by Katherine Peet. Moved (James Ayers/Greg Kleis) That those Committee members who are standing again, and also Terry Moon, be elected to the Committee for the 2017/18 year.  CARRIED

Bill Rosenberg and Lynda Boyd hadn't stood again. Warren Brewer had resigned earlier in 2017

MOVED (James Ayers/Brian Turner) That Bill Rosenberg be the first lifetime member of CAFCA. CARRIED

ORGANISER'S REPORT: Murray Horton presented his annual Report. It covered: Committee, membership, finances, Organiser Account, Watchdog, OIO, Website, Roger Award, Keep Our Assets, Aotearoa Independence Movement (AIM), relations with political parties & unions, media profile & public speaking, and priorities

Daniela Bagozzi suggested that we get some system whereby if someone resigns for solely financial reasons, others can sponsor them (this arose from Murray detailing that some members have to resign for financial reasons).

MOVED (Paul Piesse/John Ring). That the Report be accepted.  CARRIED

GENERAL BUSINESSSuccession planning was discussed.  The Committee has looked at some issues relating to that.

Katherine Peet said archiving was important so information doesn't get lost.

John Minto suggested we have a get together with anti-TPPA people.

AIM could possibly take up a more activist role than CAFCA does.

James Ayers said successors usually rise through the Committee, but in CAFCA this is not happening.

John Minto said CAFCA should have organised an election forum on foreign affairs issues.


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