2018 CAFCA Annual General Meeting Minutes

Held on September 17 at the Christchurch WEA

PRESENT: Daniela Bagozzi, Brian Turner, Paul Piesse, James Ayers, Colleen Hughes, Murray Horton, Jeremy Agar, John Ring, John & Katherine Peet, Terry Moon, Mike Newlove.

The meeting began with supper.

APOLOGIES: Geoffrey & Reihana Robinson, Denis O'Connor, Bill Rosenberg, Russell Campbell, Liz Remmerswaal, Di Marshall, Lois and Martin Griffiths. 

MINUTES: The minutes of the 2017 AGM were read.  That the minutes of the previous AGM are a true and accurate record.  MOVED (Paul Piesse/Colleen Hughes) CARRIED

CAFCA ACCOUNTS: The CAFCA accounts for April 2017 – March 2018 were presented and tabled. MOVED (James Ayers/Colleen Hughes) CARRIED

CAFCA/ABC ORGANISER ACCOUNT: James Ayers presented and tabled the CAFCA/ABC Organiser accounts for April 2017 – March 2018. MOVED (James Ayers/ Paul Piesse) CARRIED

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: James Ayers, John Ring, Murray Horton, Paul Piesse, Terry Moon, Jeremy Agar, and Colleen Hughes were standing again.  Brian Turner was standing down as a Committee member and was thanked by fellow Committee members. Moved: That those Committee members who are standing again, be elected to the Committee for the 2018/19 year.  Moved (Katherine Peet/ Daniella Bagozzi) CARRIED

ORGANISER'S REPORT: Murray Horton presented his annual Report, which will be published in the April 2019 issue of Foreign Control Watchdog. Murray reported on membership, finances, Watchdog, Overseas Investment Office, Website, Roger Award, Keep Our Assets, Aotearoa Independence Movement, media profile and relationships with other groups.

MOVED (James Ayers/Terry Moon) That the Report be accepted.  CARRIED

GENERAL BUSINESS:  Getting younger members was discussed. Daniela suggested CAFCA contact Pauline McKay at Christian World Service, re the Institute of International Affairs which has some younger members. Action Station and Generation Zero were also suggested. Daniela advised of upcoming youth justice meeting

Paul Piesse spoke about similar experiences in other organisations: “where are the young people?”, suggesting they will get involved when issues present themselves, as happened with the Vietnam War, 1981 Springbok Tour, and Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement protest movements.

Daniela asked whether Murray Horton follows up media interviews with media articles. Generally not, except for press releases

Katherine Peet advised of Network Waitangi Otautahi Annual General Meeting on 22/11/18, and briefly spoke of the differences between Network Waitangi and CAFCA.


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