Watchdog Web Content Organiser Steps Down After Eight Years

- Murray Horton

Sadly, we have had to farewell Cass Daley, who was in charge of the Watchdog Website from 2010 until the beginning of 2019. Throughout those years she has done an excellent job but has been forced to chuck it in because of a wrist injury (and it is an actual injury, not computer-induced RSI. In cricketing terms, she has had to retire hurt).

Here's what I said in my 2010 Organiser's Report: "Cass had already put in an enormous amount of voluntary work a couple of years previously setting up our new membership database - plus ones for the Anti-Bases Campaign and Philippines Solidarity Network. She volunteered to take over the Website for the indefinite future. One immediate issue was what title should she have? For obvious reasons she didn't want to be called the Webmaster, and definitely not the Webmistress. We settled on Web Content Organiser".

Cass was the Watchdog Webperson throughout the worst of Christchurch's 2010/11 seismic reign of terror. On the worst day - February 22, 2011 - she was in the central city, where she and her daughter, Lynda Boyd (a CAFCA Committee member at that stage) were both caught up in the chaos, as constant aftershocks tore open the street around them, immersing them knee deep in liquefaction and sewerage as they tried to walk through town (Cass wanted to get to her very old mother who was in a central city retirement home).

Three times a year - most recently in January 2019 - Cass and I worked together very intensely on the online issue. Firstly, I'd get her the copy, then I'd have to proofread and correct her electronic draft. Once that was done, she would upload it, and I'd publicise and distribute it. Yet it was all done at a distance, we very rarely saw each other, despite living in the same city. Indeed, the last time we did so was at Jim Anderton's January 2018 funeral in the Addington Catholic church. Many thanks for all that work, Cass, and get well soon.


It takes a lot of work to compile and write the material presented on these pages - if you value the information, please send a donation to the address below to help us continue the work.

Foreign Control Watchdog, P O Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand/Aotearoa.



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