Good & Bad News

- Peter Richardson

Peter Richardson is Co-Convenor of Aotearoa Water Action.

Since our article in Watchdog 149 ("Aotearoa Water Action: Community Sovereignty In Action", December 2018), there have been further developments in our campaign, both positive and negative. On 11 December 2018, Justice Churchman issued a decision in the High Court at Christchurch ruling that water miners, Chinese-owned Cloud Ocean and New Zealand-owned Rapaki, could not rely on existing industrial use consents to operate bottling plants in Belfast.

That decision knocked out a major part of their defence. The decision has since been appealed by those companies but Aotearoa Water Action (AWA) is, in any case, pushing ahead with its main proceedings to overturn the water bottling consents. Hearings on both the appeal and on the main proceedings are expected towards the middle of 2019.

Shortly after Justice Churchman's decision, an Environment Canterbury (ECan)-appointed Commissioner, Richard Fowler QC, granted an application by Cloud Ocean to add a new deep bore to its consent, without public or even limited notification, and in the face of massive public concern as to the possible effects on Christchurch's drinking water supply, including opposition from the Christchurch City Council. That decision, however, will also be of no effect if AWA succeeds in its proceedings.

Another public crowdfunding campaign is to be launched shortly to allow AWA to continue with its proceedings. We are committed to holding the line against the expansion of water mining in Aotearoa in an age of climate breakdown and global water shortages.

Donations can be made to Aotearoa Water Action Inc, at Kiwibank 38-9019-0530141-00.


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Foreign Control Watchdog, P O Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand/Aotearoa.



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