Held on September 23 at the Christchurch WEA

PRESENT: Rex Knight, Katherine and John Peet, Paul Broady, Paul Piesse, Terry Moon, John Ring, Murray Horton, James Ayers, Jeremy Agar, Henry Alison.

APOLOGIES: Brian Turner, Bill Rosenberg, Russell Campbell, Reihana & Geoffrey Robinson, Maurice Ward, David Zwartz, Tony Orman, Viola Palmer, Jim Costello, Daniela Bagozzi, Linda Hill, Denis O'Connor.

MINUTES: The minutes of the 2018 AGM were read by Murray Horton. MOVED (James Ayers/Paul Piesse) That it was a true and accurate record of the meeting. CARRIED.

ACCOUNTS PRESENTED: Both the accounts of the CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account and CAFCA's Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 March 2019 were presented to the meeting by James Ayers. MOVED (James Ayers/Terry Moon) That both these sets of accounts are a true and accurate record of the finances for the year ended 31 March 2019. CARRIED.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE: All existing Committee members were standing again, and no other people were. MOVED (Paul Piesse/Katherine Peet) That all current officeholders be re-elected. CARRIED. Committee is: Colleen Hughes, James Ayers, Jeremy Agar, John Ring, Murray Horton, Paul Piesse, Terry Moon. Murray Horton is Secretary/Organiser.

ORGANISER'S REPORT: The annual report was presented by Murray Horton. His full report will be published in Watchdog 153, April 2020. Here is a brief summary.

Membership is slowly declining.
Our finances are healthy and we have switched to online banking.
Watchdog is the sole survivor of old-style Leftwing publications.
We have free Website hosting, but of limited capacity.
Dealing with the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) is an ongoing campaign in itself.
The Roger Award has finished after 20 years. The trophy is now at Canterbury Museum.
There are several Committee members involved in Keep Our Assets (KOA). John Minto was standing for Mayor again. KOA is active on a range of other issues.
We have contact with other groups such as Aotearoa Water Action, some climate change activists, some unions and CAFCA founder/life member Bill Rosenberg is a senior figure in the NZ Council of Trade Unions (Bill retired from the CTU at the end of 2019).
Relations with Government: We were involved in Treasury consultations about proposed Overseas Investment Act changes.
Our media profile is quieter than the previous year, but KOA got excellent media coverage.
The documentary "Islands Of The Empire" is being updated. Murray was interviewed for this the first time around, back in the 1980s, and again in 2019, for the update.
CAFCA Priorities: Upgrading the Website and looking at other ways of getting our message out. Also working with other groups.

GENERAL BUSINESS: Katherine Peet asked about succession issues. The Committee regularly looks at it, but hasn't made any firm succession plans. Katherine also pointed out that Linda Hill (who writes up OIO Decisions for Watchdog) is in contact with networks that might be helpful. Tumonz is an industrial database used by real estate people. It could be useful for discovering land sales not covered by the Overseas Investment Act.
There was a question about young people. Some of them are campaigning against climate change.


It takes a lot of work to compile and write the material presented on these pages - if you value the information, please send a donation to the address below to help us continue the work.

Foreign Control Watchdog, P O Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand/Aotearoa.

Email cafca@chch.planet.org.nz


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