- Dennis Small

Here's the proof that Dennis can write something shorter than "War And Peace". He e-mailed it to me in September 2022, saying "it might get a laugh in PR?"". Not to mention Watchdog. Ed.

I rang the 105 Police line to report a drone sighting. Drones were causing a nuisance in Reefton (where Dennis lives) in the past, even snooping around. Consequently, they got banned. I thought the Police would be monitoring any breaches of the law. For my part, you can't get too paranoid about snooping drones circling overhead.

I finally got a guy live on the line and duly reported the sighting. Hold on to your sides and guess my reaction. He told me that I would have to contact the CIA - Lol! The paranoia bit hard! I said that "you have got to be joking!" He repeated that I would have to contact the CIA because they deal with such flying complaints! It took a bit of thinking that he didn't really know me and was pulling my leg. He obviously meant the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)! Lol! again.


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