"A Beginner's Guide to Foreign Control"

Murray Horton's Paper Available

For the past several years, Murray Horton has used his "A Beginner's Guide to Foreign Control" as the basis for speeches and papers delivered in Christchurch, and around the country. He makes sure that it is regularly updated. But at 45 pages it's far too long for us to consider publishing.

That's why we have decided to make copies available to members who request them. It covers: the global context; foreign control in Aotearoa; myths about foreign control; future trends; "free" trade; WTO/MAI/APEC; and what we can do about it.

You can order it from CAFCA. Enclose $10 to cover copying and postage.


Please Make Them Out Correctly!

Please ensure that your cheques, for membership, donations, purchases, etc, are made out to CAFCA, and nobody else. If you wish to make a donation towards Murray Horton's pay, then make your cheque out to the CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account (which is a separate account).

Organiser Account Needs More Pledgers

The Government has increased the minimum wage by 55 cents per hour, effective from March 2000. This means that the CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account now pays Murray Horton an extra $22 per week gross. This increase poses no immediate threat to the viability of the Account, but it could definitely pose a longer term threat. As it is now, regular pledges are not enough by themselves to pay Murray at the previous minimum wage rate. Donations are the vital ingredient.

So we’re appealing for more pledgers. Five more people pledging a mere $5 per week would more than cover the increase. Please think about it. And definitely keep those donations rolling in. They are invaluable.

On one earlier occasion when a similar appeal was made, a well meaning suggestion was made that Murray go onto some kind of benefit. That is not a viable option, even if he was so inclined, for a number of very valid reasons. As things are, Murray’s income is independent of the State and any funding agency – he is financially answerable only to our members and supporters. And that’s exactly how we want to keep it.

CAFCA Membership Fee Increased

Now $20; New $15 Unwaged Rate

At the 1999 CAFCA Annual General Meeting there was a motion to increase annual membership fees by $5 (to $20 for ordinary members; and $30 for institutional and overseas members), to come into effect from the 2000/01 membership year. This was amended from the floor to include a $15 unwaged rate for ordinary members. The amended motion was carried unanimously. This was deemed necessary because of CAFCA’s increased expenses over recent years. We realise that a $5 increase will hurt some of our members, so that’s why the new $15 unwaged rate has been introduced. Don’t worry, we won’t operate a means test - we’ll leave it up to you to decide if you’re waged or unwaged.

This new rate will start for existing members when we bill you for your 2000/01 annual membership fee ie midway through 2000. For new members, it applies immediately.

GATT Watchdog Raffle Result

Watchdog regularly includes books of raffle tickets from our comrades in arms at GATT Watchdog. They report that CAFCA members are the best respondents to this fundraising initiative.

So, it’s only appropriate that we publish the results of GW’s 1999 raffle, drawn in January 2000. First prize ($500 cash): Lyn Jackson, Christchurch; second prize ($75): David Clark, Christchurch; third prize ($50): Lynne Dempsey, Rotorua.

Foreign Control Watchdog, P O Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand/Aotearoa. December 1999.

Email cafca@chch.planet.org.nz

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