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![]() Depleted Uranium Resolutions - Belgian Greens and Canadian NDP 17 August 1999 1. The Belgian MEP Paul Lannoye (Green Group) will introduce a project of resolution to the European Parliament to prohibit the production, trade and use of DU munitions. Copy of this project on GRIP web site: 2. Martine Dardenne, Green (ECOLO) member of the Belgian Parliament will introduce a project of law to the Belgian Parliament to prohibit the production, trade, and use of DU munitions. Copy of this project on GRIP web site: 3. In Canada: the text of the resolution that will be debated at the annual convention of the New Democratic Party of Canada at the end of August in Ottawa. "Be it resolved that the NDP request the Government of Canada to: 1) Renounce the use of depleted uranium ammunition, missiles and bombs (hereinafter referred to as"DUMBs''). 2) Take active steps to have NATO renounce the use of DUMBs. 3) Promote the view in the international community that DUMBs should be treated as chemical weapons, and their use as chemical warfare. 4) Implement export controls to ban the export of depleted uranium to any country that has not renounced the use of DUMBs. 5) Implement export controls to ban the export of depleted uranium to any country that manufactures DUMBs. 6) Refuse to participate in any military conflict in which any of its allies permits the use DUMBs." There was actually a seventh item in the version that I presented, but it got dropped after some debate: 7) Refuse to send Canadians as peacekeepers to any region in which DUMBs have been used.