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World War One Centenary
Resources for peace vigil organisers

Please scroll down this page for: the peace vigil themes and focus, core messages for all of the vigils, small message slips to hand out at the vigils, and some other suggestions for placards and banners. Information about the peace vigil series and links to vigil details, locations and times, as well as to photos of the vigils that have already been held, are available here.

Vigil themes and focus - The peace vigils have three themes: remembrance of all of the casualties of war and of war resisters, ending war as a response to conflict, and promoting peace. There are four core messages that will be the same at all of the vigils, including the central message 'Honour the war dead by ending war', which unites the three themes.

Messages for placards and banners, and message slips to hand out

  • Core messages for all of the vigils
  • Message slips to hand out: you can print these message slips on A4 (eight per sheet) paper or light card.

    Posters: The posters below are A4 size - you can either have them printed as A0, A1, A2 or A3, then tape to card or corflute; or use the text to make your own banners and placards.

    • Honour the war dead by ending war - black text on white - white text on black
    • We remember all the casualties of war - black - blue
    • We remember all the war resisters - black - blue
    • Build peace, cherish people, protect the planet - black - blue
    • Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every missile fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. (US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953) - poster, this will fit better on a banner, rather than a placard

  • Other key messages for the vigils
  • The posters below are A4 size - you can either have them printed as A0, A1, A2 or A3, then tape to card or corflute; or use the text to make your own banners and placards.

    • Disarm now for peace on earth - black - blue
    • Demilitarise to protect the planet - black - blue
    • Peace cannot come from the barrel of a gun - black - blue
    • Welfare not warfare - black - blue
    • Peace to heal our land, peace to heal all lands - black - blue
    • Resist war for peace on earth - black - blue
    • 1915 - 2015: 100 years of thinking war works - black - blue

  • Some other suggestions
  • The posters below are A4 size - you can either have them printed as A0, A1, A2 or A3, then tape to card or corflute; or use the text to make your own banners and placards.

  • Small message slips to hand out at the vigils
  • These message slips to hand out at the vigils are courtesy of Golden Bay Quakers - print 18 per A4 sheet, then cut to size.

    Please email Peace Movement Aotearoa if you have other suggestions for peace vigil messages.

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