Foreign Control Watchdog 102

Foreign Control Watchdog 102
May 2003

greenball Corporate welfare: TNCs are the real bludgers
greenball GATS: Public services and free trade agreements: Making Rogernomics irreversible
greenball GATS book review: "Serving whose interests? A guide to NZ commitments under the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services"
greenball CAFCA moves to Kiwibank
greenball US mining giant's reign of terror: Booms create bust in Waihi
greenball The war: Stop thief! Sadly it's a common story. A desperate adict turns to a life of crime
greenball The Judges' Statement and Judges' Report for the 2002 Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand can be found at
greenball Book reviews:
"World investment report 2002: Transnational corporations and export competitiveness";
"The Tobacco Atlas";
"Dirty dealings: Big tobacco's lobbying, pay-offs, and public relations to undermine national and global health policies";
"Cowboy diplomacy: How the US undermines international envirnmental, human rights, disarmament and health agreements";
"War on the world. Spoils of war: The human cost of America's arms trade".
greenball Death in the family: June Tennant
greenball CAFCA/ABC organiser account needs more pledgers and donors
greenball Taking Control list server: New members welcome
greenball Cheques: Please make them out correctly

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The material on this site may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. Published by Foreign Control Watchdog Inc, Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand.


Note that the regular analysis of the decisions of the Overseas Investment Commission, which are published in every Foreign Control Watchdog are not republished here because they are available on the web site of the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA).

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