Foreign Control Watchdog 105

Foreign Control Watchdog 105
April 2004

greenball We must have the right to pick and choose: Review of Overseas Investment Act, by Murray Horton
greenball Sukhi socks it to the TNCs and the media: Dunedin does us all proud with 2003 Roger Award event, by Murray Horton
greenball Telecom: Still ripping us off after all these years, by Murray Horton
greenball Tranz Rail: For whom the takeover tolls. Government misses opportunity, settles for half a loaf, by Murray Horton
greenball The hijacking of a nation: Democracy and self determination are a farce in occupied Iraq, by Joe Hendren
greenball Trade negotiations with Thailand and China, by Bill Rosenberg
greenball Media opponent of mining TNCs silenced: "Waihi Leader" changes hands, by Andy Hatton
greenball Cape Kidnappers: David versus Goliath plus the Council, by Liz Remmerswaal
greenball New Greenpeace report slams Malaysian forestry TNC, by Murray Horton
greenball Book reviews, by Jeremy Agar: "Globalization and its discontents" by Joseph Stiglitz: "The bubble of American supremacy" by George Soros
greenball Obituaries: Des Hendren, by Joe Hendren; Ken Corliss, by Paul Corliss; Briar Campbell-Maaroufi, by Anne Fitzsimon; Yann Fleming, by Murray Horton; Death in the family: Jack Bullock, by Murray Horton
greenball Cheques: please make them out correctly; Taking Control list server: new members welcome
greenball Magnificent response to special appeal for organiser’s pay, by Murray Horton
greenball Dennis Small moves on, by Murray Horton

This online edition does not include the Judges'  Report for the 2003 Roger Award For The Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand. That Report is already online on the CAFCA Website.

Go to ; click onto Views, Analyses and Research, and follow the Roger Award links. It's a PDF document.


It takes a lot of work to compile and write the material presented on these pages - if you value the information, please send a donation to the above address to help us continue the work.

The material on this site may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. Published by Foreign Control Watchdog Inc, Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand.


Note that the regular analysis of the decisions of the Overseas Investment Commission, which are published in every Foreign Control Watchdog are not republished here because they are available on the web site of the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA).

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