Roger 'Em

- by Simon Ritchie

Written and performed specially for the 2004 Roger Award event. Ed.

1. Times are getting harder in this easy land

trouble seems to be just around the bend

I've been unemployed it keeps me dreaming

cos dreaming is all you can do

and hope your life is going to mend.

2. (But at least you know that)

Telecom can keep communication going

(and you know that) Contact will be made

Though I'm tired of the struggle

for to make ends meet

still the profits will be higher, they say

and our country will be saved.

(Soaring profits...getting higher and higher)

Ch: (But still) it's Roger em in the country

and it's Roger them in the town

kick em when they're struggling

and kick em when they're down

though there's thousands on the breadline

they tell us never mind

there'll be some high paid jobs created

if we toe the line.

3. Times etc.

At least Mc Donalds they can cook up a healthy feed

and a minimum wage for a young and perky team.


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Foreign Control Watchdog, P O Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand/Aotearoa. August 2005.


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