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NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and its aftermath
Peace Movement Aotearoa
PO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, pma@apc.org.nz

This section contains articles from June 1999. For alerts and information from the period
25 March to 3 June 1999, see "Stop the NATO bombing, Condemn NZ government support for the
See also DU index page
- Depleted Uranium Contaminates Bosnia-Herzegovina - 'Depleted Uranium in Bosnia and Herzegovina Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment', UNEP, 25 March 2003
- Serb Town Still Waiting for NATO Bombing Clean-Up, Fredrik Dahl, 4 May 2002
- UN finds radioactivity at NATO bomb sites in Kosovo, Irwin Arieff, 5 January 2001
- Collateral Damage of the Environmental Kind, Mother Jones, 6 September 2000
- Housewives Mine-Clearing Team in Kosovo, 28 June 2000
- Kosovo one year later: From Serb Repression to Nato-sponsored ethnic cleansing, 23 June 2000
- Tribunal on US NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia, IAC, 10 May 2000
- Post-war Kosovo the latest hotspot for sexual slavery, Olivia Ward, 7 May 2000
- NATO Admits To Use Of Radioactive Munitions in Yugoslavia, Julie Hyland, 5 May 2000
- Law and diplomacy - how NATO's war against Yugoslavia breached international law (April 2000)
- War crimes - A just war, or moral imperialism? A critical look at Nato's Kosovan war in "Masters of the Universe?" (29/4/2000)
- NATO Criticised over Uranium Rounds, 22 April 2000
- NZ policy change on economic sanctions ? (20/4/2000)
- Linking NATO, the IMF, and the World Bank - Michel Chossudovsky (16/4/2000)
- Mandela slams Western action in Kosovo, Iraq (13/4/2000)
- Lift the Sanctions and bring more aid to the people of Yugoslavia (7/4/2000)
- Jamie Shea on 'the Ultimate PR Challenge' (31/3/2000)
- Why were government propaganda experts working on news at CNN ? (27/3/2000)
- City of dreams - Belgrade (23/3/2000)
- Rapes in Kosovo (21/3/2000)
- Eyewitness account after NATO bombing - 21 February 2000 (21/3/2000)
- NATO used DU during Kosovo conflict, UNEP, 21 March 2000
- NATO confirms DU used in the Balkans (21/3/2000)
- Yugoslavia Reports on Dead Children (20/3/2000)
- NATO bombing anniversary, commemorative events
- US faces war with ex-KLA (19/3/2000)
- Kosovo: One Year Later (17/3/2000)
- Lessons of war - media and disinformation (16/3/2000)
- Lift the sanctions against Yugoslavia (15/3/2000)
- Fraser calls NATO an organisation of liars (9/3/2000)
- Canadian troops exposed to radiation in Kosovo (18/2/2000)
- Nato's Kosovo civilian toll challenged (7/2/2000)
- The bloody truth of how Nato changed the rules to win a 'moral war' in Yugoslavia (7/2/2000)
- UN broke in Kosovo (7/2/2000)
- Real journalism vs propaganda - Edward Herman (3/2/2000)
- Taking NATO to Court (20/1/2000)
- UN prosecutor to review Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia (13/1/2000)
- Alert - Flora Brovina (14/12/99)
- NATO's Robertson Warns Milosevic Over Montenegro (9/12/99)
- For 700,000 Europeans, Winter's Dreaded Misery Arrives (2/12/99)
- Kosovo Serb professor's trust was fatal error (2/12/99)
- Kosova: colonialism, violence, partition (1/12/99)
- Milena's story (25/11/99)
- Thousands of leftover NATO cluster bombs pose a lethal threat to civilians (24/11/99)
- Kosovo Rebels Make Own Law (24/11/99)
- The Independent - Serbs murdered by the hundreds (24/11/99)
- Serb ministry of truth studies the artful lies of war (23/11/99)
- Chaos and Intolerance Now Reign in Kosovo (22/11/99)
- US 'lost count of uranium shells fired in Kosovo (22/11/99)
- Questions to Clinton in Kosovo (22/11/99)
- Lawyers meet with chief prosecutor over NATO war crimes (19/11/99)
- Back to the Kosovo killing fields (19/11/99)
- Serbs Are Now Victims of Ethnic Cleansing (18/11/99)
- The killings in Kosovo continue (11/11/99)
- Europe's lifeline is still choked by debris from that mad bombing (11/11/99)
- Cracks emerge among post-Kosovo allies (11/11/99)
- European hearings on U.S. NATO war crimes against Yugoslavia (11/11/99)
- In Serbia's clogged courts, Bill is on trial again (10/11/99)
- Roma mothers appeal to world (8/11/99)
- Public inquiry in Canada re; NATO bombing (8/11/99)
- Let's kill the lies about Kosovo (5/11/99)
- Where's the Evidence of Genocide of Kosovar Albanians? (5/11/99)
- Pristina: The onset of winter is a Kosovo timebomb waiting to explode (4/11/99)
- Robin Cook accused of misleading public on Kosovo massacres (31/10/99)
- Attacks on elderly being condemned in Kosovo (28/10/99)
- Nato cluster bomb kills four children in Kosovo (22/9/99)
- Election Campaigners Ask If NATO Has Outstayed Its Welcome (22/9/99)
- Aid for reconstruction and transition in Yugoslavia (17/9/99)
- Kosovo - a reporter's dilemma (13/9/99)
- KFOR troops injured in ethnic clashes - Independent (11/9/99)
- Untold Stories of U.S./NATO's War and U.S. Media Complacency - Peter Phillips (9/9/99)
- KOSOVO: Annan Criticizes NATO For Acting Apart From UN (9/9/99)
- UNEP BTF team concludes work in Yugoslavia (9/9/99)
- Unicef study - Yugoslav children traumatised by war (5/9/99)
- Depleted uranium study 'shows clear damage' (27/8/99)
- Gracko survivors blame NATO (25/8/99)
- U.N. checks fallout of NATO bombs on Yugoslavia (24/8/99)
- US/NATO's war and US media complacency : the untold story (24/8/99)
- Yugoslavia counts cost - Larry Elliott (23/8/99)
- U.N. round-table debate condemns NATO aggression on Yugoslavia (20/8/99)
- UN mission in Kosovo and KFOR (18/8/99)
- Wars leave such a mess - Charley Reese (17/8/99)
KLA more keen on selling arms than surrendering to NATO - Hindustan Times (16/8/99)
- UN and OSCE - Kofi Anan (16/8/99)
- Several groups investigating ecological disaster in Yugoslavia (16/8/99)
- Yugoslavia Faces Ecological Disaster, Group Warns - Reuters (15/8/99)
The End of NATO as We Know It? - Henry Kissinger (15/8/99)
- NATO - War crimes: "Violation of International and Domestic Laws and Conventions" - Miles Petrovic (15K) (14/8/99)
- UN probes depleted uranium - BBC SciTech (13/8/99)
Pristina's Serbs flee in thousands - The Guardian (12/8/99)
- Economic sanctions against Yugoslavia? - Mary Mostert (4/8/99)
- NATO war crimes - 31 July 1999 hearing (2/8/99)
- Refugees kept in dark over Kosovo radiation threat - Felicity Arbuthnot (2/8/99)
- Depleted uranium shells leave lethal legacy - John O'Callaghan (31/7/99)
- Depleted uranium 'threatens Balkan cancer epidemic' - Alex Kirby (30/7/99)
- Cluster bombs - John Head (29/7/99)
- Mixed findings on environmental effects of NATO bombing - Steven Erlanger (28/7/99)
- Pollution 'Hot Spots' in Serbia - Jovana Gec (27/7/99)
- Red Cross: Humanitarian disaster in Yugoslavia (22/7/99)
- Ecological catastrophe - NATO bombings in the Balkans - Dr Janet M. Eaton (7/7/99)
- Balkans war - legacy of terror - The Times (21/6/99)
- Nato watches Kosovars strip village clean - Andrew Buncombe in Grece (21/6/99)
- Was it rescue or revenge? - Robert Fisk (21/6/99)
- We polished our weapons while the Albanians died - Bob Marshall-Andrews (20/6/99)
- Hijacking the holocaust - Todd Emoff (19/6/99)
- Not my war - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. (18/6/99)
- Elderly Serb civilian beaten by KLA soldiers - Kosovo Human Rights Flash (18/6/99)
- Read UN Resolution 1244 and watch NATO in Kosovo - TFF (18/6/99)
- NATO in Kosovo: Failed Peacekeeping - TFF (18/6/99)
- NATO use of DU weapons, Christine Abdelkrim-Delanne 18 June 1999
- The environmental costs of the Kosovo conflict must be exposed -
Mikhail Gorbachev (18/6/99)
- Kosovo and Doublespeak - Edward S. Herman (17/6/99)
- Is the world going to be outraged now ? - Vincent Browne (17/6/99)
- OSCE shuts N.Albania office after staffer killed (16/6/99)
- Concerns Turn To Balkans War Pollution (16/6/99)
- Yugloslav NGOs - two new appeals, 16 and 16 June 1999 (16/6/99)
- NATO and the New World Order (16/6/99)
- Letter from Rosemary Menzies in Bosnia - re Kosovo (15/6/99)
- NATO "distorted the truth" in Kosovo - Reporters sans Frontieres (15/6/99)
- Kosovo: Senator Roche's Speech in the Senate (15/6/99)
- The real victors in Kosovo - Eric Margolis (15/6/99)
- NATO goads Russian bear - STRATFOR (14/6/99)
- Depleted Uranium, New Scientist (13/6/99)
- Who NATO Killed - Counterpunch (12/6/99)
- Clinton's litany of lies on Yugoslavia - Martin Mclaughlin (12/6/99)
- Comparison - Kosovo Albanians and Turkish Kurds (11/6/99)
- NATO war crimes: Ramsay Clark / Russian investigations - IAC (11/6/99)
- NATO's war crimes - panel (11/6/99)
- A Soldier's View - Lewis MacKenzie (10/6/99)
- The NATO Coup That Failed - Jeffrey Benner (10/6/99)
- The horrendous price of G8 peace (9/6/99)
- UN draft resolution, 9 June 1999 (9/6/99)
- NATO, Yugoslavia sign agreement on withdrawal from Kosovo - CNN (9/6/99)
- Arms trade - War brings $1 billion, rescues Raytheon (9/6/99)
- The nightmares ahead - Timothy Ash (7/6/99)
- NATO leaders war crimes (7/6/99)
- NATO Expects Separate Kosovo, Without Yugoslav Police or Taxes (7/6/99)
- Ecocide in Yugoslavia - Goran Belojevic (7/6/99)
- UN relief agencies warn of humanitarian disaster in Yugoslavia - Jerry White (6/6/99)
- NATO victory may eventually be its undoing (5/6/99)
- They call this victory? (4/6/99)
- 'Peace' in the Balkans - Karl Dallas (4/6/99)
- Serbs ask why not 72 Days ago? - Robert Fisk (4/6/99)
- Text of the Kosovo Peace Agreement (3/6/99)
- The environmental impact of the NATO campaign - Radio Free Europe (3/6/99)
- Balkan crisis and environment - Green Horizon (2/6/99)
Links to useful web sites