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Stop killing the people of Iraq main index page
Statements and articles from Aotearoa / New Zealand
Statements and articles from overseas
Links to other web sites
Statements and articles from Aotearoa / New Zealand
2003: January | February | March and April | May to August
2002: Archive
1998 to 2001: Archive
1997 and 1998: New Zealand Anti-Gulf War Website Archive
Statements and articles from overseas
2003: January | February | March | April | May | June and July
2002: January to May | June and July | August | September | October | November | December
1998 to 2001: Archive
Links to other web sites
- Related index pages on this web site: Depleted uranium | Messages from Iraq | 11 Sept and the 'war on terrorism'.
- The Unseen Gulf War - photos by Peter Turnley of the consequences of the 1991 war.
- September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows - Peaceful Tomorrows is an advocacy organization founded by family members of September Eleventh victims. Its mission is to seek effective nonviolent responses to terrorism, and identify a commonality with all people similarly affected by violence throughout the world.
- Target Iraq: understanding America's war for oil - a new web site set up and maintained by the Victoria Peace Network, Australia; a great source of articles and news of Australian peace groups campaigns against a new war on the people of Iraq.
- United for Peace and Justice - the US coalition formed initially from more than 70 peace and justice organisations; bringing together a broad range of groups throughout the US to help coordinate against a US war on Iraq.
Baghdad Indymedia.
Iraq Program - of the American Friends Service Committee. This is an excellent resource, full of information and things to do (although the latter are US focussed, some of the ideas can be modified for elsewhere). Links to the main AFSC site which is a truly comprehensive peace and social justice resource.
- Voices in the Wilderness - one of the Iraq sanctions busting groups who are
campaigning to end the economic sanctions, VitW take medical and other
supplies direct to the people of Iraq. Loads of info and ideas on this site.
- Not In Our Name: a Statement Of Conscience against War and Repression - "We must take the highest officers of the land seriously when they talk of a war that will last a generation and when they speak of a new domestic order. We are confronting a new openly imperial policy towards the world and a domestic policy that manufactures and manipulates fear to curtail rights."
- International Action Centre - the IAC was initiated in 1992 by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and other antiwar activists to expose the US bombing of innocent Iraqi civilians and the massive destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure. This site contains invaluable material on the use and effects of depleted uranium munitions and much more ...
- Stop the War Coalition (Britain) - their three objectives are : to stop the war currently declared by the United States and its allies against 'terrorism'; no to a racist backlash; and to defend civil liberties.
- Act Now to Stop War and End Racism - US anti war coalition
- Human Shields in Iraq - organised by Truth-Justice-Peace Human Shield Action to Iraq
- Win without war: let the inspections work - as weapons inspections in Iraq kick into high gear, most of us are breathing a sigh of relief. But some in the Bush Administration are still dead set on war, even if the inspections are working. A campaign from MoveOn.
New Zealand Anti-Gulf War Website includes PMA Action Alerts on the Anti-Gulf War Website, containing archived information from the period Nov. 1997 - Feb 1998. This website was developed by Kyle Matthews of Web Services New Zealand during the crisis in February 1998 when the US government was planning a further military attack. Web Services New Zealand provided this as part of its committment to providing an accessible internet presence for community and non-profit organisations.
- ISMAG: Iraq Sanctions Medical Alert Group - objectives are: (a) to get the sanctions against the people of Iraq lifted immediately to bring an end to the appalling public health diasaster the sanctions have caused: (b) to raise funds to send medicine and humanitarian supplies to the people of Iraq: and (c) to increase public awareness. This site includes photographs and FAQ.
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