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11 Sept and the 'war on terrorism'
See also Stop killing the people of Iraq! Israel / Palestine, and other index pages by topic, eg International law, Nuclear weapons - general issues . . .
Statements, articles and photos from Aotearoa/New Zealand | Petitions | Vigils
Statements and articles from overseas:
June to August 2003 |
May 2003 | April 2003 | March 2003 | February 2003 | January 2003 | December 2002 | November 2002 | October 2002 | September 2002 | August 2002| July 2002 | June 2002 | May 2002 | April 2002 | March 2002 | February 2002 | January 2002 | December 2001 | November 2001 |
October 2001 | September 2001
- NZ military escalation in Afghanistan, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 9 March 2004
- NZ team set for Afghan mission, Audrey Young, 8 July 2003
- Alert! NZ Orion deploys to the Gulf, PMA, 5 May 2003
- Responding to Children and Young People's Uncertainty in a Time of War, April 2003, Mental Health Foundation Of New Zealand
- Threats to make attacks on public seem low risk - is the publicity about cyanide threats all that it seems to be? Dr David Small, 14 March 2003
- PMs plan Pacific anti-terror unit, Vernon Small, 10 March 2003
- Our secret war: What the government did not want you to know, Nicky Hager and Mike White, 16 February 2003
- Special operations - just another definition for terror, Nicky Hager, 16 February 2003
- The countdown to battle, Sunday Star Times, 16 February 2003
- Revealed: New Zealand's key role in US hunt for bin Laden, Guyon Espiner and Anthony Hubbard, 16 February 2003
- Not in Our Name Aotearoa/New Zealand, PMA, 10 February 2003
- Officer sent to terror hotspot, Martin Kay, 8 February 2003
- Minister farewells Te Mana crew, Mark Burton, 28 January 2003
- Hate is not the answer, say Bali victim's family, NZPA, 23 January 2003
- Afghan judge outlaws 'immoral and smutty' cable television, Rory McCarthy, 22 January 2003
- Frigate joins anti-terror force in Gulf, John Armstrong, 12 November 2002
- New Zealand should not provide support for US buildup in the Persian Gulf, Keith Locke, 12 November 2002
- Iraq is the real target, Keith Locke, 11 November 2002
- Alert! NZ armed forces deployed to Gulf, 11 November 2002
- Photos from 26 October protests in Wellington, 26 October 2002
- Photos from 26 October protests in Auckland, 26 October 2002
- SAS troops part of free-trade effort - Locke, 8 October 2002
- Peace Petitions update + US Government Delays Biological Weapons Convention, PMA, 20 September 2002
- Statement on Iraq by the Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian Churches and The Salvation Army, 18 September 2002
- Government must lift the veil, Keith Locke, 17 September 2002
- Secrecy on SAS must stop, NZ Herald Editorial, 17 September 2002
- Web site data undermines New Zealand's secret war in Afghanistan, Green Party, 15 September 2002
- Statements, speeches, songs and media releases from Aotearoa/NZ on 11 September 2002
- NZ Church Leaders joint statement on the threat of war against Iraq, 10 September 2002
- Counting For Nothing: Reflections On The First Anniversary Of 9/11, Aziz Choudry, 6 September 2002
- Clark rules Kiwis out of action against Iraq, INL, 20 August 2002
- Aid not SAS for Afghanistan, Keith Locke, 2 July 2002
- Open letter to the United States Embassy in Wellington, Keith Locke, 19 June 2002
- New document reveals what the government really wanted in the Terrorism Suppression Bill, Jane Kelsey, 15 May 2002
- Terrorism Suppression Bill thoroughly misguided: only justice can cure terrorism, Arena, 22 March 2002
- Coming soon - NZ anti-terrorism legislation, PMA, 29 April 2002
- Nelson Peace Group media release, NPG, 16 April 2002
- Alert! Palestine / Israel - what you can do, PMA, 3 April 2002
11:54 24/04/02- Aid (alone) won't fix world poverty, CWS, 22 March 2002
- Update! Terrorism Suppression Bill, PMA / Green Party, 22 March 2002
- Urgent Alert! Clark meeting Bush, Coalition for Peace, 20 March 2002
- New twin towers, Garrick Tremain, 15 March 2002
- US finally confirms Kiwi SAS troops in Afghanistan, Keith Locke, 15 March 2002
- Middle East Mayhem, CWS, 14 March 2002
- Letter to Helen Clark, Peace Foundation, 8 March 2002
- International Women's Day Letter to Helen Clark, WILPF (Aotearoa), 8 March 2002
- Letter to Guardian Weekly, Laurie Salas, 26 February 2002
- Threats, self-interest drive war policy, Keith Locke, 8 January 2002
- SAS - 'Clark should stop charade', PMA, 20 December 2001
- 'NGO support for Hercules'? PMA / Matt Robson, 18 December 2001
- NZ troops / civilian deaths in Afghanistan, PMA / Marc Herold 17 December 2001
- Say NO to war march and rally: 2,521 more signatures presented to parliament, Wellington, 13 December 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, WILPF (Aotearoa), 10 December 2001
- Hidden agendas: New Zealand and the new Cold War, Nicky Hager, 8 December 2001
- Our double standard law misses the legal terrorists, Dr Peter R Wills, 5 December 2001
- Anti War Demo Anti War Demo (Otautahi/Christchurch), 1 December 2001
- Submissions on the Terrorism Suppression Bill, various, November 2001
- Fight Fire With Water! A Notice to the US Government, Catholic Worker, 30 November 2001
- Re Terrorism (Bombings and Financing ) Bill, Catholic Worker, 30 November 2001
- Labour Party targeted in anti-war day of action, AWC, 29 November 2001
- Protestors to target US Air Force base in Christchurch, (COCAW), 28 November 2001
- Alert! war update: contact your MP now, PMA, 24 November 2001
- Submissions due: Anti-terrorism legislation, closing date 30 November 2001
- Jerseys for Kids in Afghanistan, 16 November 2001.
- Winners: DICK (Destructive Industries Connected to Killing) NZ Awards, PMA/PAW, 15 November 2001
- DICKNZ Awards 2001 (Destructive Industries Connected to Killing, NZ), PMA, 13 November 2001
- Gisborne/Tairawhiti area enquiry, PMA, 13 November 2001
- Statement From the Roman Catholic and Anglican Bishops of New Zealand Concerning Bombing in Afghanistan, Wellington, 8 November 2001.
- Letter to Phil Goff 'Dubious, Dumb & Dangerous', Stephanie McKee, 8 November 2001.
- Urgent PMA appeal, November 2001
- General Debate Speech on the current international situation, Keith Locke,7 November 2001
- Dialogue: New Zealand is now prime target for hateful revenge, Peter Wills, 5 November 2001
- Urgent Advert for NZ Herald, Peace Foundation, 5 November 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, Maire Leadbeater, Marion Hancock and Joyce Browne, 1 November 2001
- Goff on bombs/food; and making the rubble bounce, PMA, 1 November 2001
- Terror and democracy, Moana Jackson, October 2001
- All violence is terror, Tim Tipene, October 2001
- NZ government assets to be frozen? PMA / Arena, 30 October 2001
- NZ in Coalition Coordination Center: 'MacDill's new 'village' helps coordinate globe', Paul de la Garza and Dong-Phuong Nguyen, 27 October 2001
- Wellington People's Court finds warmongering governments guilty of violations of international law, PMA, 27 October 2001.
- re Jim Anderton, PMA, 25 October 2001
- NZ in Philippines: 'Foreign military attaches visit Zamboanga for anti-terror effort', AF-P, 24 October 2001
- Alert! no navy support 22 October 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, WQPPQC, 14 October 2001
- SOS National Day of Protest, PMA, 13 October 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, Joan
Macdonald, 10 October 2001
- Petition for peaceful resolution,PMA 10 October 2001
- Press Release, Nelson Peace Group, 9 October 2001
- Significant Peace Vigil in Whangarei, Coalition For Peace, 9 October 2001
- Resolutions of the West Auckland branches of the Alliance, October 2001.
- Media Statement, The Socialist Party of Aotearoa, 9 October 2001
- 'Strike against terror' will kill more innocents, Green Party, 8 October 2001
- Media release, Coalition For Peace Whangarei, 8 October 2001
- Speech about the deployment of SAS troops, Keith Locke, 3 October 2001
- Defining 'goodies and baddies' exposes quest for moral leadership, Centre for Justice and Peace Development, 3 October 2001
- Position on role in combating terrorism, Green Party, 30 September 2001
- Speech to public meeting, Barbara Frame, 26 September 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, Marion Hancock, 24 September 2001
- Essential tool, Yilma Tafere Tasew, 22 September 2001
- Urgent! No NZ military support - what you can do, PMA, 22 September 2001
- Church's response to attacks on the USA 20 September 2001
- Speech to Rally for Peace, Jeanette Fitzsimons, 20 September 2001
- Speech to Rally for Peace, Yilma Tafere Tasew, 20 September 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, CAFCA, 19 September 2001
- Speech at peace vigil, Jen Margaret, 17 September 2001
- Statement from Religious Society of Friends 17 September 2001
- Letter to NZ Herald, Marion Hancock, 17 September 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, WILPF (Aotearoa), 17 September 2001
- Info, vigils and letters, PMA, 15 September 2001
- Letter to Helen Clark, Peace Foundation, 15 September 2001
- International terrorism is not the sole province of specific religious or
ethnic communities, ALRANZ, 14 September 2001
- Letter to NZ Herald, Joan Macdonald, 14 September 2001
- Spot The Terrorist!
Photos! Say NO to war march and rally, Wellington, 13 December 2001; DICK (Destructive Industries Connected to Killing) NZ Awards 2001, 15 November 2001; 'No WTO - No War' Day of Action Day of Action, Wellington, 9 November 2001; Presentation of the first batch of signatures on the petition calling for peaceful resolution, Wellington, 10 October 2001;
Rally for Peace, Wellington, 20 September 2001; Weekly vigil for peace in Wellingon.
Statements and articles from overseas
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