Free Web Design
Service is not available.
However these guidelines
may be useful to help you plan and develop your website. Converge is
able to provide a paid web design service.
PlaNet NZ subsidised Converge and allowed us to offer website development work to NGOs free of charge.
However, due to funding constraints we are unable to continue to
provide free web development.
Website Guidelines
Converge Project offers a
basic web-site, free of charge to Converge participants.
Please remember, web work is skilled time-consuming work
and we have a limited amount of time for each free website.
Help us to Help You
We appreciate your help in
making our work as efficient as possible.
To be sure of the best possible result there are things
that you can do to make our work faster and easier. If you follow these guidelines, your
organisation will benefit because we will be able to produce a better result in the time
Planning Decide what your organisation wants from a website! What do you want your
website to achieve?
Have a look at the other websites
hosted by Converge to get an idea of what we can do for you.
The more you plan your website and the better you
communicate your requirements to us, the more likely it is that you will be please
with the results. |
- What does your organisation want to communicate?
- A basic Converge website is similar to an on-line brochure.
However, you can use a website for more.
- A website can join-up new members and seek donations.
- Your organisation can publish a newsletter on the website or
tell the world about your organisation's activities and events.
- Your organisation's website can be a contact point. It can
be a place where people join up with other on-line activities that your organisation runs,
such as; an email list, or discussion group.
Maintenance How much time and energy is your organisation prepared to invest in
maintaining a website?
Unless, your organisation is going to update the website
regularly, it is important to avoid putting up material that will go out of date.
If your organisation is going to maintain an up-to-date
website that changes regularly, it is important to identify the people responsible and the
resources to make this happen. |
Navigation Understand how the website fits together. How should people viewing your
website find their way around? What sort of hyperlinks or navigation system should be
employed? |
Electronic Formats Supply written material in an electronic format. We can read most
word processor formats, including:
- AmiPro (*.sam),
- ascii text (*.txt),
- Corel WordPerfect (*.*),
- email,
- html (*.htm, or *.html)
- Lotus Word Pro (*.lwp),
- MS Word (*.doc),
- MS Word for Macintosh (*.mcw),
- MS Works (*.wps),
- Rich Text Format (*.rtf),
- Windows Write (*.wri),
- WordStar (*.*).
If you supply written information in an electronic format,
then we we do not have to type it.
We not pretend to be typists nor do we enjoy typing.
Please also make sure that you proof read and spell check
the material before it is sent to us. If we have to correct and revise material, the
website will take much longer and the end result may not be what your organisation wants.
Finally please remember, if we have to type in or proof
edit your organisation's written material, then we have less time for processing images
and preparing web-page layout. |
Graphics Graphics is an area that can cause major headaches.
Graphics work is specialised and time consuming.
Success on the World Wide Web depends on achieving a
balance between interesting image content and a fast loading page. Images tend to be
large, larger files take longer to load. The more images there are on a web page, the
slower it will be to load.
Many Internet surfers will not wait around to see a page
that takes more than 10 to 20 seconds to load. They will click off to somewhere else on
the web. However, these same people are not likely to read a page that is just text. One
has to find a balance between small interesting graphics and the speed with which these
will appear on the page.
Choose your organisation's graphics wisely. Generally, try
to avoid images that have more than four graphical elements. Avoid images that are too
large or busy and will not shrink down to web size.
Reusing images will make pages load faster because the web
browser stores images locally in the cache on the client machine. The next time a web page
calls for that image the browser will load it from the local cache which is much faster
than downloading it again from the Internet. |
Scanning When you have decided on your graphics we can scan them in for you. The best
practice is to supply up to eight
high quality pictures for us to scan for your
organisation's website.
In the past we have scanned pictures from brochures printed
on coloured and recycled papers. Sometimes the pictures have been folded so that a line
shows in the image. Paper-grain and flecks will show in a scanned image, this is
especially bad with recycled paper.
It is difficult to obtain good graphic results with poor
image sources. Correcting poor graphics is not always possible and usually takes a great
deal of time.
We ask that your organisation try to provide the best
possible images to scan from.
- Photographs and original artwork are ideal sources.
- High quality printed material is acceptable also.
- If you provide pre-scanned image files, please make sure
that they do not have jagged edges.
- Please DO NOT fold your artwork!
If images supplied are not acceptable then we will not use
them. |
Logo A
logo is important to identify your organisation. Please provide the best quality version
of your logo for the best results. |
Finally, if you have any questions, then you
should contact us,
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