Peace Researcher

Previous issues

The most recent edition of Peace Researcher is available to download on the Peace Researcher home page.

Listed below are all issues of Peace Researcher since 2001. These documents were created in Adobe PDF format and some have been shared via Google Drive.

Please note: Many previous issues contain links to specific articles that were individually accessible on the old ABC website. Sadly this is no longer the case, however they can still be found in their parent PDF issues below.

Should you have problems accessing any previously linked material from the old issues of Peace Researcher, please contact us.


Issue 66 - November 2023 (PDF 35.5MB)

NATO & New Zealand: European War Machine Comes To Pacific by Murray Horton; ABC Webinar On AUKUS & Australian Militarisation by Bevan Ramsden & Shirley Winton; Aerospace Summit Disrupted By Protests by Zak Rudin; Hiroshima & Nagasaki Commemoration 2023 by Disarmament & Security Centre; Australians Featured Prominently In 2023 World Beyond War Awards by Liz Remmerswaal; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Nicky Hager. NZ’s Most Famous Investigative Journalist Honoured By State by Murray Horton; Owen Wilkes Dead Since 2005. But SIS Still Won’t Release His File by Murray Horton; Why is Aotearoa Silent On Nuclear Annihilation Dangers? by Kay Weir; Reviews by Greg Waite: “The Palestine Laboratory. How Israel Exports The Technology Of Occupation Around The World” by Antony Loewenstein; “ Secret History: State Surveillance In New Zealand, 1900-1956” by Richard S Hill & Steven Loveridge; Obituaries by Melane Ndzinga & Murray Horton; Anni Rainbow, Death In the Family: Ligaya Roque; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account. Financial Report by James Ayers.

Issue 65 - June 2023 (PDF 3.7MB)

AUKUS. A Major Lurch Towards War With China by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2023 by Murray Horton; Rocket Lab Update by Warren Thomson; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Worst Leak Of US Intelligence Documents In Years And Revelations Of US Spying by Warren Thomson; Owen Wilkes And The Anti-Bases Campaign by Murray Horton; Reviews “Peacemonger. Owen Wilkes: International Peace Researcher”, edited by May Bass and Mark Derby 2022 and “The Secret History Of Five Eyes. The Untold Story Of The International Spy Network” by Richard Kebaj 2022 by Warren Thomson; These Two Are For You, Jeremy by Murray Horton; Obituaries: Jeremy Agar, Noeline Gannaway by Murray Horton; Dennis Small Retires As Writer by Murray Horton.


Issue 64 - November 2022 (PDF 3.0MB)

Rocket Lab: Behind The Hype by Warren Thomson; Keep Space For Peace by Murray Horton; Obscene Amounts Spent On Weapons by Warren Thomson; NZ Defence Policy Becomes More Belligerent by Warren Thomson; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; ABC Submission For Review Of 2017 Intelligence & Security Act (ISA) by Warren Thomson; The Geopolitics Of Brinkmanship And Mass Murder: Globalist Capitalist Contortions by Dennis Small; Grappling With The CIA! by Dennis Small; Review by Jeremy Agar: “Muru” A Film by Tearepa Kahi, 2022; A Bad Case Of “Terrorism” Hysteria by Murray Horton; Tributes by Murray Horton & David Robie: Luke Trainor, Marie Hilao-Enriquez, Rita Baua; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account: Financial Report For Year Ended 31 March 2022 by James Ayers, Organiser Account Treasurer.

Issue 63 - June 2022 (PDF 3.7MB)

Waihopai: Domes & Dishes Gone But Spying Carries On by Murray Horton; NZ Becomes Further Enmeshed In US Empire: The Politics & Economics Of Five Eyes by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Guantánamo: The Brutal Truth About The Atrocities Of Our Five Eyes Partners by Warren Thomson; Pacific Geopolitics In The Raw: Bullying, Hysterical Hypocrisy by Murray Horton; Thiel Not Wanted In NZ by Warren Thomson; Ukraine War: Brute Strength And Ignorance by Murray Horton; Countering The Weaponisation Of Words, Images & Symbols: The Ukraine Crisis compiled with commentary from Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “Mothers Of The Revolution”. A Film by Briar March; Tributes To Rita Baua: Champion Of International Solidarity by Murray Horton, Maire Leadbeater & Keith Locke; Owen Wilkes Book by Murray Horton..


Issue 62 - November 2021 (PDF 3.1MB)

Afghanistan, The Longest War. And Nothing To Show For It by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; In Memory Of Aziz Choudry by Murray Horton; Aziz Choudry Wins Case Against SIS. Out Of Court Settlement; Damages; Government Apology by Murray Horton; Review by Jane Kelsey: “Activists And The Surveillance State. Learning From Repression” edited by Aziz Choudry; Imploding Geo-Imperial Frontiers! And The Challenges Ahead by Dennis Small; Obituaries by Leigh Cookson, Peter Moore & Peter Wills: Jim Stuart, Malcolm Moore, Bob White; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account. Financial Report For Year Ended 31 March 2021 by James Ayers.

Issue 61 - June 2021 (PDF 3.8MB)

Time For Five Eyes To Become Four Eyes by Murray Horton; Action Needed. The New Counter-Terrorism Bill Must Get Your Attention by Warren Thomson; Rocket Lab. Campaign Against It Blasts Off by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2021 by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; From Counter-Insurgency To Nuclear Catastrophe? Disarm Or Die! by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar:  “Poisoning The Pacific. The US Military’s Secret Dumping Of Plutonium, Chemical Weapons, And Agent Orange” by Jon Mitchell; “The Palace Letters” by Jenny Hocking; “A Secret Australia” edited by Felicity Ruby and Peter Cronau; Owen Wilkes. Interest Never Fades by Murray Horton; The Day Trump Came In Handy At ABC HQ by Murray Horton.


Issue 60 - November 2020 (PDF 2.7MB)

A Deafening Silence On Foreign Policy, Defence & Intelligence; Rocket Lab Drags NZ Into US Militarisation Of Space; Cancel RIMPAC Coalition Report; Operation Burnham Inquiry Report; Inspector-General Of Intelligence & Security Report; Killer Robots. Growing Support For Ban, But NZ’s Stance Remains Weak; Hiroshima & Nagasaki Commemorations; Spooky Bits; Geopolitical Competition & The Challenges For Our Future; “Islands Of The Empire” Update & Premiere Again; Reviews: “Islands Of The Empire”;  “Fascists Among Us: Online Hate And The Christchurch Massacre”; Obituary Jeanette Fitzsimons; “The 5th Eye” Now Online; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account. Financial Report For Year; Important Notice: You Can No Longer Pay Your ABC Sub By Cheque.

Issue 59 - June 2020 (PDF 1.7MB)

What A Waste Of Bloody Money! Time To Reset Priorities by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spybase Protest 2020 by Murray Horton; Government Hacking And Subversion Of Digital Security by Electronic Frontier Foundation; Bomber Diplomacy. Why Was USAF B-52 Given Permission To Feature At Warbirds Over Wanaka 2020?; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Challenging Imperial Struggles & The Contortions Of Geopolitics by Dennis Small; Review by Jeremy Agar “Secret. The Making Of Australia’s Security State” by Brian Toohey; Obituaries by Murray Horton and Jennie Crum, Nozz Fletcher & Dave Morgan.


Issue 58 - November 2019 (PDF 2.4MB)

Time To Recognise Rocket Lab For What It Is. A US Facility For The US Military & Spies On NZ Soil, by Murray Horton;  Lockheed Martin. Not Wanted In NZ, by Warren Thomson;  2019 Weapons Expo Abandoned. “Aggressive Protesters” Claim Victory,  by Murray Horton;  IPAN Conference 2019, by Liz Remmerswaal;  NZ Spies Use Information Collected From CIA-Tortured Detainees, by Warren Thomson;  Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson;  Geopolitics And Crisis. Redressing The Roots Of Conflict, by Dennis Small;  Reviews, by Jeremy Agar. “A Communist In The Family. Searching For Rewi Alley” by Elizabeth Sandys;  “Dead Letters. Censorship And Subversion In New Zealand 1914-1920” by Jared Davidson;  “America’s Covert War In East Africa. Surveillance, Rendition, Assassination” by Clara Usiskin;  CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account.  Financial Report For Year Ended 31 March 2019, by James Ayers, Organiser Account Treasurer;  Important Notice:  You Won’t Be Able To Pay Your ABC Sub By Cheque After February 2020, by Murray Horton.

Issue 57 - June 2019 (PDF 4.4MB)

The Spooks And The Christchurch Massacre, by Warren Thomson; Thanks , Warren. PR Editor Flying Solo Again, by Murray Horton; Thompson & Clark Just Tip Of Spyberg. Let’s Add Them To Inquiry Into Whole Covert World Of State Spying, by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2019, by Murray Horton; Impressive “Week Of Peace” Lineup In Palmerston North In Response To Weapons Expo 2018, by Liz Remmerswaal; Why Huawei? by Doug Craig; SIS Apologised To Former MP For Labelling Him A “Threat”, by Keith Locke (Green MP, 1999 - 2011); SIS Spied On Keith Locke For 50 Years, by Murray Horton; Owen Wilkes’ SIS File. A Bit More Released, A Decade After First Smidgen, by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson; Bomber Diplomacy. Why Was USAF B-52 Given Permission To Do Wairarapa Air Show Flyover? by Murray Horton; Tackling The “New Abnormal” Of Dangerous Politics. And Taking Positive, Pre-emptive And Amelioratory Action by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar& Greg Waite: “Soldiers Without Guns”. A Film, by Will Watson; “Resistant Islands: Okinawa Confronts Japan And The United States”, by Gavan McCormack and Satoko Norimatsu; "Vice”. A Film By Adam McKay; “War On Peace: The End Of Diplomacy And The Decline Of American Influence”, by Ronan Farrow; Bob Hawke: Faithful Servant Of US Empire, by Murray Horton; Important Notice: You Won’t Be Able To Pay Your ABC Sub By Cheque After February 2020.


Issue 56 - November 2018 (PDF 3.1MB)

NZ Creeping More Into The Embrace Of The US Military, by Keith Locke; Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson; Mobilise For Action On The Threats To Peace! From Geopolitics And Counter-Insurgency To Anti Submarine Warfare And Space War, by Dennis Small; Reviews, by Jeremy Agar & Murray Horton: “See No Evil: New Zealand’s Betrayal Of The People Of West Papua” by Maire Leadbeater; “In The Shadows Of The American Century: The Rise And Decline Of US Global Power” by Alfred W McCoy; Letter To The Editor from Malcolm McKinnon and reply from J eremy Agar; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account: Financial Report For Year Ended 31 March 2018, by James Ayers Organiser Account Treasurer; Omega Campaign Of 1968-69: An Important And Well-Earned Victory, Flaws Aside, by Maire Leadbeater; Lest We Forget: The Maori Loans Affair, by Murray Horton.

Issue 55 - June 2018 (PDF 2.8MB)

Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2018 by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Jacinda Says NZ Has "Independent Foreign Policy": If Only That Was True by Murray Horton; Indonesia & New Zealand: "Friends For Good" - But Whose Good? by Maire Leadbeater; Growing Challenges For Peace: Compounding Geopolitical Confrontation, Insurgency & Counter-Insurgency by Dennis Small; Root Causes Of Refugee Crisis Need To Be Addressed by Murray Horton; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: "Base Nation: How US Military Bases Abroad Harm America And The World" by David Vine; "America And Me" A Film by David Bradbury; "Phoney Wars: New Zealand Society In the Second World War" by Stevan & Hugh Eldred-Grigg; In Memory Of Derek Bunn by Murray Horton; New Printer & Webmaster by Murray Horton; Demilitarising The Pacific Starts At Home, Jacinda by Murray Horton.


Issue 54 - November 2017 (PDF 3.1MB)

Not Very Great Expectations At All, by Murray Horton; NZ Ready Reactionary Counter-Insurgency, by Dennis Small; Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson; New Zealand: A Reality Check. But Isn’t It Nuclear-Free And Out Of ANZUS? by Murray Horton; Cornerstones Of Insecurity. 10 Reasons US Military Bases Are A Bad Deal For Australia, by David Vine; Peace Is Union Business, by Warren Smith; Reviews by Jeremy Agar - “The Coming War On China” A Film By John Pilger and “Private Security In Africa: From The Global Assemblage To The Everyday”, edited by Paul Higate and Mats Utas; Letter To The Editor from Russell Campbell & Dennis Small’s Reply; Military Strategy, Trumpism, And State Terrorism by Dennis Small; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account Financial Report For Year Ended 31/03/17 by James Ayers, Organiser Account Tresurer; Peace Movement Blockades Weapons Expo by Emma Cullen, Peace Action Wellington.

Issue 53 - June 2017 (PDF 5.3MB)

It Really Is At The End Of The Day: My Name’s John And I’m Gone, by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2017 by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2017: International Solidarity Messages; Answers To Some Common Myths: NZ Intelligence Services, Five Eyes & The Waihopai Spy Base, by Keith Locke; On The Campaign Trail: Weapons Expo 2017, by Valerie Morse; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; We Must Strike First! Pre-Empting Warfare Strategy And Technology From Spinning Out Of Control, by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “Hit & Run” by Nicky Hager & Jon Stephenson, “The Post-Snowden Era: Mass Surveillance And Privacy In New Zealand” by Kathleen M Kuehn, “Today We Drop Bombs. Tomorrow We Build Bridges” by Peter Gill, “Indefensible” by Paul Holden et al; Obituaries by Murray Horton, Bob Leonard & Jim Consedine; Mike Frost, John Miller; What Does “Mother Of All Bombs”, Dropped On Afghanistan, Have To Do With Christchurch Airport? by Murray Horton; Peace Activists Win Court Case: From 2015 Wellington Weapons Conference Protests, by Emma Cullen.


Issue 52 - November 2016 Shared via Google Drive
Intelligence And Security Bill 2016: Giving The Spooks Yet More Powers, by Warren Thomson; Review by Jeremy Agar: “The 5th Eye”: A Film By Errol Wright & Abi King-Jones; From Haumoana To Pine Gap: Springtime 2016, by Liz Remmerswaal Hughes; What Is Pine Gap? by Warren Thomson; Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson; The Glorification Of War: Anzac Day In The Hague 2015, by Robin Lloyd; Anzac Day: Protests Then, Propaganda Now, by Murray Horton; Peace Researcher Printer Retires, by Murray Horton; Protesting War: Working Pre-Emptively For Peace, by Dennis Small; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account Financial Report For Year Ended 31/3/16 by James Ayers, Organiser Account Treasurer; Korean Nuclear Standoff In Context Of International Rivalries: Can Nuclear-Free New Zealand Help Out? by John Gallagher; Memorial Tree Planted For Mia Tay, by Murray Horton

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Issue 51 - June 2016
A Critique Of The Cullen-Reddy Intelligence Review, by Warren Thomson; A Marriage Made In Hell. What Would They Call It? The GCSIS? by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2016 by Murray Horton; Weapons Conference Campaign Moves To Auckland, by Valerie Morse; Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson; Tackling Technocratic Militarism, by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “The Wikileaks Files”, “Eyes Of Fire: The Last Voyage Of The Rainbow Warrior”, by David Robie; Obituary, by Murray Horton - Jim Holdom; Larry Ross Memorial Plaque Unveiled In Christchurch, by Murray Horton

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Issue 50 - November 2015
The Government’s SIS And GCSB Review: Responses, by Warren Thomson; Stop The Spies! by Stop The Spies; Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson; Cops Pay Out Spy & Agent Provocateur For “Mental Pain,” by Murray Horton; New Zealand’s Homegrown Military-
Industrial Complex by Valerie Morse; Militarist Market Strategy And Tactics: Global Capitalist Ideology And Growing Crisis, by Dennis Small; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account Financial Report For Year Ended 31/3/15, by James Ayers, Organiser Account Treasurer; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “Kill Chain: Drones And The Rise Of High-Tech Assassins” by Andrew Cockburn, “We Kill Because We Can: From Soldiering To Assassination In The Drone Age”, by Laurie Calhoun; Tribute to Peter Williams, by Murray Horton

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Issue 49 - June 2015
GCSB Dirty Deeds, by Warren Thomson; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2015, by Murray Horton; Good Dog, Johnny! Iraq War Is The Price Of Belonging To “The Club”, by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits, by Warren Thomson; The Struggle To Prevent The Militarisation Of Jeju, by Tom Rainey-Smith; Western Globalist Crusade Continues To Backfire! Blundering Into The Valley Of Death, by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “American Sniper”, A Film By Clint Eastwood, “Citizenfour”, A Film By Laura Poitras; Obituaries by Murray Horton and Harry Evison: Harry Evison, Greg Ansley, Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser; Intelligence Review: Make Your Opinion Count, by Warren Thomson

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Issue 48 - August 2014 (PDF 635KB)
Mass Surveillance Of New Zealanders: Greenwald Versus Key by Warren Thomson; Opening The Curtains: Spies & Their Political Mouthpieces Blinking In Unaccustomed Daylight by Murray Horton; Let’s Remind Ourselves Why We Should Shut Down The GCSB by Warren Thomson; On The Road: CAFCA/ABC Speaking Tour March-July 2014 by Murray Horton; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account: Financial Report For Year Ended 31 March 2014 by James Ayers; New Treasurer For Organiser Account: James Ayers Replaces Warren Brewer by Murray Horton; New Zealand’s “Terrorist” Designations Of CPP/NPA by Cameron Walker; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Capitalist Militarism: The New Social Darwinism And The Crisis Of Western Civilisation by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar and Murray Horton: “Dirty Politics”, by Nicky Hager, “Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem & Human Rights In The South Pacific”, by David Robie; Obituaries by Murray Horton and Kate Dewes: Will Foote and Mia Tay; ABC Event To “Open” Bob Leonard Plaque by Murray Horton.

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Issue 47 - August 2014 (PDF 508KB)
Three Cheers For The Domebusters Who Kicked Waihopai In the Ball! - by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2014 - by Murray Horton; Who’s Running The Show? And In Whose Interests? - by Murray Horton; Waihopai: The Secret ANZUS Which Binds Us To The American Agenda - by Maire Leadbeater; A Few Filipino Bishops (& One Kiwi Domebuster) Meet To Resist US Intervention - by Peter Murnane; The Terrorism Suppression Act And Criminalisation Of National Liberation Groups - by Cameron Walker; Reviews - by Jeremy Agar: “Peace, Power & Politics: How New Zealand Became Nuclear Free”, by Maire Leadbeater, “No Place To Hide: Edward Snowden, The NSA And The Surveillance State”, by Glenn Greenwald, “Drone Warfare: Killing By Remote Control”, by Medea Benjamin; Obituary: Jenny Lineham - by Adrienne Thomas and John Gallagher; Honouring Bob Leonard - by Murray Horton.

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Issue 46 - December 2013 (PDF 780KB)
John Key Says Yanks Not Spying On Him - by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits - by Warren Thomson; The GCSB’s Legal Baseball Bat - by John Minto; GCSB Bill A Threat To Anti-TPPA Campaigners - by Jane Kelsey; Why Did The GCSB Cross The Road? - by Adrian Leason; The Rocky Tiger Ploughshares Trial - by Sean O’Reilly; The Challenge Of Climate Wars - by Dennis Small; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account - by Warren Brewer, Organiser Account Treasurer; A Living Wage Is Our Issue - by Warren Brewer; Reviews - by Jeremy Agar: "Friendly Fire: Nuclear Politics And The Collapse Of ANZUS, 1984-1987", by Gerald Hensley, "The General: The Ordinary Man Who Challenged Guantanamo", by Ahmed Errachidi; Obituary: Bob Leonard - by Murray Horton: Tributes To Bob Leonard, Christchurch Memorial Meeting For Bob by Murray Horton.

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Issue 45 - June 2013 (PDF 1.2MB)
Crime Pays! Government Legalises GCSB Culture Of Impunity by Murray Horton; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2013 by Murray Horton; Death From The Sky: Drones And Aerial Warfare by Doug Craig; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Norway Hosts Fresh Push For A Nuclear Weapon-Free World by Robert Green and Kate Dewes; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “Mad On Radium”, by Rebecca Priestley, “Zero Dark Thirty”, a film by Kathryn Bigelow, “Argo”, a film by Ben Affleck; Obituaries by Murray Horton, Michael Moore, Ciaron O’Reilly, Jim Dowling & Kate Dewes: Bryan Law, Lynn Burke, Jack Rogers; Organiser’s Report by Murray Horton.

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Issue 44 - November 2012 (PDF 1.5MB)
A Dotcomedy Of Errors. GCSB Illegally Spies On New Zealanders: We Told You So - by Murray Horton; Back Into Bed With Uncle Sam: A Loyal Satellite Once More - by Murray Horton; Killing Bin Laden: The Legitimatising Of State Terrorism by Dennis Small; The Campaign To Demilitarise Harewood by Maire Leadbeater; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Resisting The Roots Of War by Dennis Small; Case Study: The 1965-70 Indonesia Genocide by Dennis Small; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account: Financial Report 2011/12 by Warren Brewer; Review by Jeremy Agar: "Organize: Building From The Local For Global Justice", edited by Aziz Choudry, Jill Hanley and Eric Shragge; Obituaries by Murray Horton & Evin Wood: Larry Ross and Rosa Oliver.

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Issue 43 - May 2012 (PDF 1.8MB)
Manoeuvred Back Into ANZUS: Subversion Of NZ's Independence by Warren Thomson; Waihopai Spy Base Protest 2012 by Murray Horton; Trying To Make NZ Intelligence Agencies More Accountable: My Efforts In Parliament by Keith Locke; Windflow & General Dynamics: The Old Proverbial Hits The Turbine by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits by Warren Thomson; Growing Pacific Rivalry: The Return Of Big Power Competition by Dennis Small; China's Military Power: Threat Or Paper Dragon? by Warren Thomson; Middle East Turmoil And Beyond: Political Blowback in Action by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: "A Thorn In Their Side: The Hilda Murrell Murder", by Robert Green, "J. Edgar", a film by Clint Eastwood, "Crisis In Korea: America, China And The Risk of War" by Tim Beal; Obituaries by Maire Leadbeater & Jorge da Conceicao Teme: Larry Ross and Colin Iles; Organiser's Report by Murray Horton; Thanks Yani: ABC Webmaster Steps Down After A Decade by Murray Horton.

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Issue 42 - November 2011 (PDF 1.6MB)
The Covert State Must Not Be Severely Embarrassed! Part 1: Government Sues Domebusters & Changes Law To Rule Out Their Defence - by Murray Horton; The GCSB: How Much Do We Pay? - by Warren Thomson; The Covert State Must Not Be Severely Embarrassed! Part 2: Government Drops Charges Versus "Terrorists" & Changes Law To Legalise Illegality - by Murray Horton; Spooky Bits - by Warren Thomson; The Bougainville Peace-Broking Experience Revisited - by Maire Leadbeater; Military Spending: Out Of Control - by Warren Thomson; Australia's Military - Growing Power, Growing Ambition - by Warren Thomson; More Media Warmongering - by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: "Other People's Wars" - by Nicky Hager , "A History Of The World Since 9/11" - by Dominic Streatfeild; Obituary by Kate Dewes - Patricia Morrison; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account 2010/11 - by Warren Brewer; New Treasurer For Organiser Account: Warren Brewer Replaces Bob Leonard - by Murray Horton; Biggest Ever Donation To The Organiser: Thank You, Ron Resnick by Murray Horton

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Issue 41 - July 2011 (PDF 467KB)
Update On The GCSB – by Warren Thomson; Spooky Bits – by Warren Thomson; Another Massive Intelligence Failure – by Warren Thomson; Report On January 2011 Protest At Waihopai – by Doug Craig; Why Do We Want Waihopai Closed? – by Murray Horton; More Media Warmongering: A Sign Of Things To Come. Part 1 – by Dennis Small; Reviews by Jeremy Agar and Doug Craig: "Operation 8" A Film by Errol Wright and Abi King-Jones, "Standing Army" A Film by Enrico Parenti and Thomas Fazi, “Security Without Nuclear Deterrence” by Commander Robert Green, "In Mortal Hands" by Stephanie Cooke; Obituaries by Kate Dewes and Murray Horton: Norman Roberts, Alec Miller and Don Grady; Space Shuttles RIP by Doug Craig; Expansion Of US Military Bases Continues by Warren Thomson; Apologies For Lateness by Murray Horton

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Issue 40 - July 2010 (PDF 780KB)
Vindicated! Waihopai Domebusters Acquitted On All Charges – by Murray Horton; “Come Help Us, Stop War, Stop More Killing”: Domebusters’ Defence Lawyer’s Closing Address – by Mike Knowles; Domebusters’ Trial Suppressed Evidence: Bob Leonard’s “Inadmissible” Defence Affidavit; Waihopai Protest 2010 – by Murray Horton; Waihopai Must Be Closed Now – by Murray Horton; Owen Wilkes’ SIS File: Spies Play Hard To Get – by Murray Horton; Hillary Clinton: Imperial Warrior – by Doug Craig; Mossad Murderers Strike Again: Forged Passport Modus Operandi Familiar To Kiwis – by Murray Horton; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “Balibo”, A Film By Robert Connolly, “Policing America’s Empire: The United States, The Philippines And The Rise Of the Surveillance State”, by Alfred W McCoy, “Forging A Nationalist Foreign Policy” by Roland G Simbulan; Obituary by Murray Horton - Hugh Price; What Does Waihopai Spy On? Asian Civilian Telecommunications Satellites, For Starters – by Nicky Hager; Historical Peace Researchers Now Online - by Murray Horton

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Issue 39 - January 2010 (PDF 659KB)
Full Speed Ahead Into The Quicksand! NZ Blindly Follows US Into Obama’s War In Afghanistan – by Murray Horton; SIS Seeks To Justify Its Existence: Asks Universities To Keep An Eye Out For “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” – by Murray Horton; Resisting Talisman Sabre – by Jessica Morrison; US Bases In Okinawa: Japan’s New Premier Challenges Obama – by Bob Leonard; Mercenaries Inc. Private Armies Profit From America’s Wars – by Murray Horton; Systematic Pressures Behind US Military And Covert Action – by Sagar Sanyal; Organiser’s Report – by Murray Horton; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account 2008/09 – by Bob Leonard; Reviews by Murray Horton, Bob Leonard & Jeremy Agar: “Looking For Answers: A Life Of Elsie Locke”, by Maureen Birchfield, “The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun And The Secret Plot To Sanction The Iraq Invasion”, by Marcia and Thomas Mitchell, “Spies For Hire” by Tim Shorrock; Obituaries by Murray Horton & Jim Consedine: Ray Scott; Death In The Family: John Gannaway

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Issue 38 - July 2009 (PDF 1.3MB)
Spies Amongst Us – by Murray Horton; Police Informer Caught After 10 Years Of Spying On Activists – by Mark Eden; Busted! How Police Spy Rob Gilchrist Was Exposed By His Partner – by Rochelle Rees; SIS Spied On Peace Movement For Decades – by Murray Horton; Activist Annals – by Maire Leadbeater; The Emperor Is Dead! Long Live The Empire! – by Murray Horton; US Marine Cleared Of Rape In Philippines: First Ever Conviction Of GI Ended By A Fix – by Murray Horton; Scrap The Visiting Forces Agreement! – by Murray Horton; Reviews by Bob Leonard & Jeremy Agar: “The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA From 9/11 To The Eavesdropping On America”, by James Bamford, “The Hollow Men” A Film By Alister Barry, “The Bases Of Empire: The Global Struggle Against US Military Posts” edited by Catherine Lutz, “Island Of Shame” by David Vine, “Spies, Lies And The War On Terror” by Paul Todd, Jonathan Bloch, & Patrick Fitzgerald, “Kiwi Compañeros: New Zealand And The Spanish Civil War” edited by Mark Derby, “Passing Bells” by WJ Foote; Obituaries: Ian Prior - Nick Wilson, Connie Summers - Murray Horton

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Issue 37 - November 2008 (PDF 761KB)
Waihopai Domebusters: The Police Present Their Case – by Bob Leonard; ABC In Blenheim In Solidarity With Domebusters – by Murray Horton; The Cora Fabros Speaking Tour Of New Zealand – by Bob Leonard; Bases Of Empire: The Global Spread Of US Military And Intelligence Bases – by Cora Fabros; Citizens’ Peace Watch Official Statement: On US Military Basing In Mindanao – by Cora Fabros & Virginia Suarez Pinlac; Organiser’s Report – by Murray Horton; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account – by Bob Leonard; Review by Jeremy Agar: “Arsenal Of Hypocrisy”, A Film By Randy Atkins; Obituary by Murray Horton: Betty Roberts; Death In the Family: Brownie Dann.

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Issue 36 - August 2008 (PDF 549KB)
Pop Goes The Spybase! Waihopai Domebusters Severely Embarrass The Covert State – by Murray Horton; Waihopai Protest 08 – by Murray Horton; Pine Gap Spybase “Invaders” Acquitted: Huge Defeat For The Covert State – by Murray Horton; In The Dragon’s Lair – by Herbert Docena; West Papua: Have We Forgotten The Lessons Of East Timor? – by Maire Leadbeater; Reviews by Bob Leonard & Jeremy Agar: “America In Peril”, by Bob Aldridge, “The Three Trillion Dollar War” by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, “Against Freedom: The War On Terrorism In Everyday New Zealand Life” by Valerie Morse, “Unconventional Warfare” A DVD; “The Peace Movement In Christchurch 1937-41, 1946-47: A Memoir”, by Will Foote; Obituaries by Murray Horton: Philip Agee, Reg Duder

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Issue 35 - December 2007 (PDF 1.1MB)
A Bad Case Of “Terrorism” Hysteria – by Murray Horton; At Long Bloody Last: A Happy Ending To Ahmed Zaoui’s Ordeal – by Murray Horton; The Privatisation Of Spying Part 2 – by Mark Eden; Who’s Watching You? – by Frances Mountier, Maddie Walker, Kieran Gallagher-Power & Hayley McLay; Many US Military Flights Now Bypassing New Zealand – by Bob Leonard; Why Does Iran Want Nuclear Weapons? The US Drops Some Hypocrisy Bombs – by Joe Hendren; “An Acceptable Presence”: The New US Basing Structure In the Philippines – by Herbert Docena; Reviews by Jeremy Agar & Bob Leonard: “Counter-Terrorism And Human Rights In New Zealand”, by Alex Conte, “The Plot To Subvert Wartime New Zealand” by Hugh Price, "Ghost Plane” by Stephen Grey; Owen Wilkes Christchurch Memorial (Finally) Opened – by Murray Horton; Obituary by Murray Horton - Graeme White; Death In The Family: Ann Rosenberg; The Case Of Professor Fred Hollows: Hounded Out Of NZ By SIS – by Hugh Price

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Issue 34 - July 2007 (PDF 840KB)
Waihopai 2007: Counting The Costs Of 20 Years Of Spying – by Murray Horton; From “Secret Power” To “The Hollow Men” – by Nicky Hager; Another Bloody Terror Submission – by Bob Leonard; The Secret Policeman’s Ball: SIS Turns 50, All The Big Brothers Came To the Party – by Murray Horton; Updates – by Murray Horton: Add Tonga To The Growing List Of NZ’s Pacific Interventions, US Building New Secret Spybase In Western Australia, Pine Gap Protesters Fined, But Not Jailed, In Groundbreaking Court Case; Okinawa And Guam: US Military Pawns Since WWII – by Bob Leonard; The US Troops’ “Unconventional” Presence: Are US Special Operations Forces Engaged In An “Offensive War” In the Philippines? – by Herbert Docena; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “The Hollow Men” by Nicky Hager, “Negligent Neighbour” by Maire Leadbeater, “Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem And The Pursuit Of Profit” by Gregory Elich; Obituaries: Stan Hemsley – by Murray Horton, Wilton Willis – by Maire Leadbeater, Phil Amos – by Murray Horton; Deaths In The Family: Harry Dewes & Wolfgang Rosenberg; Waihopai Display Creates A Stir: PSA Union Official Bans It From Trade Union Centre So As Not To Upset Her Members, The Spies – by Murray Horton

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Issue 33 - November 2006 (PDF 1.4MB)
SIS: New Boss, But Same Old Story - by Murray Horton; US Spooks Exposed Massively Spying On Their Own People – by Murray Horton; Spies In The Bank - by Murray Horton; The Deputy Sheriff’s Deputy: New Zealand’s Military Foreign Policy In Asia & Pacific - by Murray Horton; Harewood: US Base A Glaring Contradiction To Christchurch The Peace City - by Murray Horton; Wellington Marches On Third Anniversary Of Iraq Invasion - by Kane O’Connell; Anti-War Protestors Acquitted Of Disarming US Plane In Ireland: Former ABC Activist Among Them - by Murray Horton; Aussie Activists Occupy Top Secret Pine Gap US Spy Base: First To Ever Face Draconian Charges - by Murray Horton; North Korea Compounds Okinawa’s Problems Of US Military Occupation - by Bob Leonard; Organiser’s Report - by Murray Horton; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account 2005/06 - by Bob Leonard; Reviews by Jeremy Agar: “Saving Trees, Stopping Wars”, by Will Foote; “The Ultimate War Crime” by Robert Anderson; “Dirty War” A Documentary by Alan Carter; “9/11 In Plane Sight” A Documentary by William Lewis; “Let’s Roll 9/11” A Documentary by Dylan Avery; “The Bush Agenda: Invading The World, One Economy At A Time” by Antonia Juhasz; “Overthrow: America’s Century Of Regime Change From Hawaii To Iraq” by Stephen Kinzer; “Future: Tense. The Coming World Order” by Gwynne Dyer; Obituary: Harold Evans – by Kate Dewes; Death In The Family: Barbara Hager – by Murray Horton; A Terrible Irony - by Murray Horton

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Issue 32 - March 2006 (PDF 725KB)
This issue is dedicated to Rod Donald: family man, friend, politician, grassroots activist, anti-bases campaigner. Rod was always with us at Waihopai and only death stopped him from joining us there again in January 2006. We know that he was with us in spirit.

Waihopai 2006: Long running Campaign Gets Second Wind – by Murray Horton; Illegal NSA Spying On Americans Exposed: Historic Lange Papers Reveal Who GCSB Was Spying On 20 Years Ago – by Murray Horton; Japanese Delegation Visits Harewood And Waihopai With ABC – by Bob Leonard; Okinawans Continue Massive Protests Against US Base – by Bob Leonard; The US Air Force At Christchurch Airport: Latest Flight Data – by Bob Leonard; Campaigning To End The Arms Race At “Our Place” – by Kane O’Connell; Updates- by Murray Horton: Sensational Story Of Systematic SIS Spying On Maori Was A Hoax; Israel Apologises To NZ For Bungled Mossad Passports Operation; Organiser’s Report – by Murray Horton; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account 2004/05 – by Bob Leonard; Reviews: “Axis Of Deceit” by Andrew Wilkie, Reviewed by Bob Leonard; “Sedition: The Suppression Of Dissent In World War 11 New Zealand” A Film by Russell Campbell; “Tau Te Mauri: Breath Of Peace” A Film by Kathleen Gallagher; “Eyes Of Fire: The Last Voyage Of The Rainbow Warrior” by David Robie; “With Distance Comes Perspective: Essays On Politics, Security And International Affairs” by Paul Buchanan. The last four all reviewed by Jeremy Agar; Obituaries: Rod Donald – by Murray Horton; David Lange – by Murray Horton; Sue Taylor – by Kate Dewes; Deaths In The Family: Rose Dann, Ralph Vincent & Jack Braithwaite by Murray Horton; ANZ: Iraq War Profiteer – by Murray Horton.

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Issue 31 - October 2005 (PDF 779KB)
Obituary – Owen Wilkes by Murray Horton; Christchurch Memorial Meeting for Owen Wilkes by Murray Horton; Owen - No Ordinary Man by May Bass; No One Could Tell Stories Like My Father by Koa Wilkes; Years Ahead of His Time by Pete Lusk; A Peace Researcher Without Peer by Kate Dewes; Not Like Anyone I Have Ever Known by Nils Petter Gleditsch; He Helped End 470 Years of Foreign Military Bases in The Philippines by Roland Simbulan; An Old Mate Remembers: Norway & New Zealand by Ross Brown; Obituary – Ray Butterfield by Bob Leonard

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Issue 30 - March 2005 (PDF 609KB)
Tangimoana: The "Forgotten" Spybase; Ahmed Zaoui: New Zealand’s Very Own Political Prisoner by David Small; SIS Up To Its Old Tricks by Murray Horton; Mossad Spies Imprisoned In New Zealand: Our Passports Valued For Use By Israeli Covert Killers by Murray Horton; Only Empathy Will Clear The Fog Of Iraq by Joe Hendren; Mercenaries: A Peculiarly British Disease by Murray Horton; Okinawa: It Is Not Only In Iraq That US Military Occupation Faces Massive Resistance by Bob Leonard; Dubya Steals Two In A Row – Well Done America by Bob Leonard; Book & Film Reviews by Jeremy Agar: "I Almost Forgot About The Moon: The Disinformation Campaign Against Ahmed Zaoui", Selwyn Manning, Yasmine Ryan and Katie Small - "Global Intelligence: The World’s Secret Services Today", Paul Todd & Jonathan Bloch - "Fahrenheit 9/11" A Film By Michael Moore - "Control Room" A Film By Jehane Noujaim; Organiser’s Report by Murray Horton; Fuck Ronald Reagan by Bill Weinberg; Reagan And Marcos: The Gruesome Twosome; Why Are NZ Military Exercises Simulating Iraq? by Murray Horton

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Issue 29 - June 2004 (PDF 582KB)
Waihopai 2004: The Protests Continue, With Some New Twists by Bob Leonard; GCSB Wins Big Brother Award by Murray Horton; In Fond Memory Of Bob’s Old Van by Murray Horton; Echelon Spies On The World: Britain Drops Charge Against GCHQ Whistleblower by Murray Horton; Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Free: Mordechai Vanunu Unbowed, Defiant by Murray Horton; Ahmed Zaoui Still Imprisoned Without Charge: Government Loses Legal Battles, Inspector-General Loses Job by David Small; The Privatisation Of War by Murray Horton; Are We Seeing A Popular Revolution In Iraq? by Joe Hendren; Christchurch Firm Profits From US War In Iraq by Murray Horton; Book Review by Jeremy Agar; "Tell Me Lies: Propaganda And Media Distortion In The Attack On Iraq", ed. David Miller; Mass Arrests In Wellington: Police Attack Anti-War Protests by Mark Eden; Charge Dropped Against Bruce Hubbard by Murray Horton; US Tries To Sabotage International Criminal Court by Murray Horton; Obituary by Anne FitzSimon, Briar Campbell-Maaroufi; Dennis Small Moves On by Murray Horton; Magnificent Response To Special Appeal For Organiser’s Pay by Murray Horton

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Issue 28 - December 2003 (PDF 441KB)
A Travesty Of Justice: The Case Of Ahmed Zaoui by David Small; Harewood Protester Convicted by Murray Horton; US Embassy Complains, NZ Police Jump by Bob Leonard; Full Speed Ahead Into The Quagmire: NZ Blunders Into Iraq by Murray Horton; Current US Hegemony In Asia Pacific by Bobby Tuazon; CAFCA/ABC Organiser Report by Murray Horton; Book Review by Dennis Small - Brave New World Of The Endless Resource War, "Fighting For The Future: Will America Triumph?" by Ralph Peters; Obituaries by Murray Horton - Mick Connelly & Frank O’Flynn, Death In The Family: Jill Morris; Nuclear Reactions by Bob Leonard.

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Issue 27 - August 2003 (PDF 435KB)
Waihopai 2003: War Is Good For Business by Bob Leonard; "Big Balls" A Big Success by Murray Horton; Waihopai Part Of US Network Spying On UN by Murray Horton; Militant Protest At Pine Gap Warbase by Lindy Nolan & Murray Horton; Terrorism Suppression Act Passed by Murray Horton; Telecommunications Interception Bill by Bob Leonard; Counter-Terrorism Bill: "Without Lawful Authority" by Bob Leonard; Australia: Vicious New Law Turns ASIO Into A Secret Police Agency by Murray Horton; The Invasion Of Iraq – And How The Media War Was Won And Lost: Half Truths And Media Spin. Whom Do You Believe? by David Robie; Government Still Coy On UKUSA Agreement by Murray Horton; Debating The GCSB Director by Murray Horton; Who Watches The Watchers? The Intelligence And Security Committee by Murray Horton; Who Watches The Watchers? The Inspector-General Of Intelligence And Security by Murray Horton; Government Approves New USAF Communications Facility In NZ by Murray Horton; Air NZ Bids For USAF Maintenance Contract by Murray Horton; The "War On Terror": Out Of Sight But Not Out Of Mind by Murray Horton; Bob Leonard Retires As PR Editor: But Stays On As Writer; Obituaries - The Peacemaker & Christian Pacifist Society by Murray Horton; Neil Cherry by Kate Dewes; Death In The Family: Gwen Jones

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Issue 26 - October 2002 (PDF 516KB)
The Terrorist “War On Terror” by Murray Horton; Why A War Against Iraq Would Be Illegal Under International Law by Moana Cole; Intelligence And Terrorism Bills – What’s Happening? by Bob Leonard; Death In The Family: Dorothy Small; An Activist Response To War by Murray Horton; No WARP! (Network Opposed to Weapons and Related Production); FBI Chief In “Sneak” Visit To New Zealand by Bob Leonard; “The Second Front In The War On Terror”: US Military Back In The Philippines With A Vengeance by Murray Horton; Somebody Loves Us; Empty Response To GCSB - Complaint by Bob Leonard; We’ve Moved To Kiwibank; Australia: DSD & East Timor; DSD & “Tampa”; New Powers for ASIO by Murray Horton; Harewood Military Flights Continue To Decline by Bob Leonard; Christchurch A “Peace City”?; Spooky Bits: SIS Advertising For Spies; SIS Anti-Terrorist Hotline Still Active; John Poindexter Back At The Top Of Bush’s Spy Empire; US Too Embarrassed To Prosecute UK Peace Activist by Murray Horton; Resistance To American Bases On Okinawa: A Source Of Information; Book Review: “Going Uphill Backwards” by Will Foote. Reviewed by Robyn Dann; Waihopai Spybase Protest January 24-26, 2003

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Issue 25 - February 2002 (PDF 245KB)
Ghosts of a Genocide: The CIA, Suharto, and the Terrorist Culture by Dennis Small

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Issue 24 - December 2001 (PDF 512KB)
Mike Frost. New Zealand Speaking Tour: 14-30 October 2001 by Bob Leonard; Book Review “Body Of Secrets: Anatomy Of The Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From The Cold War Through The Dawn of The New Century”, by James Bamford. Reviewed by Nicky Hager; New Laws: A Very Nasty Package Deal: GCSB Bill, Swain Bill, Terrorism Suppression Bill by Murray Horton; War Without Borders Or End: September 11 And All That by Murray Horton; Anti-War Protest At Harewood by Bob Leonard; US Military Flights Decline At Christchurch Airport by Bob Leonard; Our Very Own Terrorist Target In Christchurch by Bob Leonard; Two Old ABCers Visit The Land Of The Great White Dome: Warren And Melanie Thomson Visit Menwith Hill by Warren Thomson; Spooky Bits: NZ; Australia; UK by Bob Leonard; Philippines: Back in Bed With Uncle Sam; & Okinawa: Another Rape Case by Murray Horton; Covert Warrior Comes Out Of The Cold by Dennis Small; CAFCA/ABC Organiser’s Report by Murray Horton; & CAFCA/ABC Organiser Account 2000/01 by Bob Leonard; Echelon: European Parliament Committee Report by Murray Horton; Peace Researcher Now On Line by Murray Horton; Thanks, Greg: Farewell To Greg Jones by Murray Horton; Ciaron O’Reilly: A Flying Visit From The Peace Warrior by Murray Horton

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Issue 23 - June 2001 (PDF 445KB)
Government Brings In GCSB Bill: And A Glossy Propaganda Booklet About Why Our Spies Are Good For Us; Waihopai Protest 2001 – A Celebration?; Swain Bill: More Powers For Electronic Spying; The Compleat Spy: Tradecraft, by Richard Tomlinson; Trotter Trots Out Rot: The Strange Resurrection Of The SIS Break-In Case; Philippines: US War Games Resume; Lost In Space: Bush Launches Star Wars; Echelon: Nicky Hager’s Testimony To European Parliament; Not On Your Nelly, They Don’t; Obituaries: Elsie Locke; Sumner Peace Group; Reviews: “Spyworld: Inside The Canadian And American Intelligence Establishments”, by Mike Frost; Uncovering The West’s Dirty Work: Review of the Millennium double issue of Covert Action Quarterly, no. 69, Spring/Summer 2000.

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