ABC Updates

15 September 2019

1/ Rocket lab interview

A podcast of a very recent Plains FM Earthwise interview with ABC's Murray Horton on this subject is at

2/ January 2020 Waihopai Spy Base Protest and Accompanying Blenheim Meeting

Details of how to join ABC at the Waiahopai protest are here: There will also be an accompanying meeting in Blenheim (wth details yet to be announced) but topics to be discussed will include Rocket Lab

3/ GCSB/SIS and the CIA's torture programme

Cheyl Gwyn, the now former Inspector-General of  Intelligence and Security, conducted an investigation into what involvment NZs spy agencies - the Government Communicationd Security Bureau (GCSB - which operates Waihopai) and the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) -  had with the US Central Intelligence Agency's illegal programme of rendition (kidnappping) and torture during the 2001=09 period of the "War on Terror".

The full (public version) of the report can be read here:

The GCSB trumpeted that it welomed the report

And the media duly parroted the line that "NZ Spies Not Privy To Torture"

But some journalists dug deeper. Such as the New Zealand Herald's David Fisher: "Our spies fed questions to the Central Intelligence Agency which were put to someone taken in the illegal rendition and torture programme operated by the United States' agency, a new inquiry has found. At the time the questions were posed, the NZ Security Intelligence Service 'was not aware that detainee interrogations involved torture', according to the report from the office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security. However, it was known the person being questioned - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - 'was being held by the CIA in an undisclosed location'. It later emerged in a US inquiry that he had been waterboarded 183 times".

Gordon Campbell on Scoop put it best - the SIS & GCSB had been proven to have "tacit compliance with torture".

And nobody has asked the glaringly obvious question: why was an expressly domestic spy agency - the SIS - involved at all with an overseas programme of kidnapping and torture. Nor why was an electronic intelligence (elint) spy agency - the GCSB - involved with an illegal and very literally hands-on human intelligence (humint) CIA programme.

The claim by the GCSB and the SIS that they didn't know about the CIA using torture defies belief. It doesn't say much, then, for their ability as "intelligence" agencies. does it. This subject should not just be swept under thc carpet now that this official Report has come out with the old nostrum that this was then but things are different now.

Murray Horton

Anti-Bases Campaign
Box 2258, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand